Unit 2 - AOS 1 - Transport mechanisms of pollutants Flashcards
a substance, gas, chemical etc that is released into the environment that causes harm or alters the environment in a negative way.
what is a Transport mechanism?
To implement successful management strategies, we need to know the types, source and quantities of pollutants being generated.
Sources of pollution
Direct - pollution is discharged directly into the effected environment
Indirect - pollution finds its way indirectly into an environment
Point source emissions
Any single identifiable source of pollution from which pollutants are discharged, such as a pipe, ditch, ship or factory smokestack.
Diffuse Source Emissions
Occur when the emissions enter the environment across a broad area
- More difficult to control
Diffuse atmospheric emissions
Fugitive - escape from a variety of points around a building
Mobile - Come from mobile sources
Pollution sink
a process or place that removes, stores or absorbs the pollutant
Nitrites (NO2) - pollution sink
reacting with water droplet and precipitating from the atmosphere as nitric acid.
Nitrates (NO3) - Pollution Sink
dissolving in soil water and being taken up by plants and incorporated into proteins ( accumulated by plant matter is a sink for nitrogen)
Carbon dioxide - Pollution sink
Carbon dioxide dissolving in fresh and marine water - the oceans are major carbon sink
Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) - Pollution sink
Taken in for photosynthesis for plant growth and stoked as vegetation (plant matter is a carbon sink)
Heavy Metals - Pollution Sink
Pollution Managment
Knowing where the pollution comes from and what sink it is going to
Transport mechanisms
Through environments natural processes
- Water cycle
- Air circulation
- Soil
Where does Sulfur come from and how is it released
- Sulfur is a natural element found in coal
- when coal is burnt the dulfur reacts with oxygen in atmosphere to form Sulfur dioxide.
Effects of surface dioxide
- irritates the respiratory tract and increases risk of tract infections
- Can contribute to acid rain
3 forms of mercury
Elemental : metallic mercury (can’t be digested)
Inorganic : mercury with positively charged ions
Methylmercury : it is inorganic mercury that has been transformed by anaerobic bacteria. Now is organic and can be absorbed by anything biotic making it toxic
Natural sources of mercury
Rocks, soil, water and air.
Unnatural sources of mercury
- Mining site where mercury has been dug up
- Weed killers
Health impact of mercury
- Toxic and fatal
- acts as a neurotoxin ( interferes with brain signals)
“Organism takes on substances faster than the body can remove it, results in a net increase of that substance over time”
Can be good or bad
Bio concentration
“Type of bioaccumulation and is build of a chemical in the body taken directly from the environment”
“Is the increase in concentration of a chemical in organisms as you go up food chain”