Unit 2 - AOS1 - Indicators of pollution Flashcards
“Are what is measured to assess the condition of an environment “
Examples of what indicators may measure
Population, mean temp, rainfall, biomass burnt, threatened species
Good indicators
“ measurements that work for the environment that your in”
Categories of environmental indicators
Purpose of environmental indicators
- Good environmental indicators demonstrate link between human activity and its consequences
- Shows a cause-and-effect relationship
Ecological niche
” Description of an organism’s structure and functional role in an ecosystem”
Generalists (niche of species)
Species that have a broad ecological niche and feed on many kinds of food
Specialists (niche of species)
Narrow ecological niche and feed on very few food types.
Tolerance range
“The limited range of physical adn chemical conditions which an organism can survive:
Tolerance limit
“The point at which the physical and chemical condition becomes harmful to an organism”
Threshold of pollutants
“The point at which a certain level or concentration is reached, and an effect is observed.”
Things that can cause the threshold to change
- The type of pollutants
- The environment the organisms inhabits
- The stage the organism is at in its lifecycle (development stage baby)
(threshold depends on tolerance limit)
Limiting factors
“Any condition that approaches or exceeds an organisms limit of tolerance”
- A single factor can determine whether a particular species can survive in an area
(e.g. temp, annual rainfall, concentration of an element)
Meaning behind Indicators and Standards
- Scientists have determined target or standards for many environmental indicators to allow us to identify healthy environments
- The stands allow us to make judgments by comparing the measurements from indicators against the standards.
E.g. if we can identify an organisms threshold level for salinity it allows us to set standards for water quality.
Water quality standards for salinity
For water to be at excellent standard for us to drink, it needs to have an electrical conductivity (EC) reading lower than 800 micro siemens per cm.
“The measure of fine particles suspended in the water column”
- Determines level of light penetration through water
- Indicates soil erosion
Measure: in NTU’s (nephelometric turbidity units) using a nephelometer.
Monitoring: turbidity tube or secchi disk (picture) keep putting it down into water until you can’t see it anymore.
Light intensity (Water indicators)
“The measure of the amount of sunlight reaching the surface”
- Low light intensity -> lower photosynthesis rate -> less producers
- Also terrestrial -> such as top of trees compared to base sheltered plants under trees
Measure: Secchi disk (linked to turbidity -> water)
pH (water indicators)
“the measure of acidity or basicity of water or soil”
- Range between 1-14 (1-6 acidic, 7 neutral, 8-14 basic)
Affects: Biological processes, Rates of chemical reactions, Toxicity of substances
Soil: used to monitor a range of processes (acidification, salinity, acid sulphate concentrations –> used for soil fertility
Dissolved Oxygen (water indicators)
“The amount of oxygen dissolved in water”
- Effected by temp, salinity, microorganism abundance, exposed surface water, turbidity level, biomass of photosynthetic organisms
Freshwater levels of DO:-
- > 5 ppm can support a wide variety of organisms.
- 1 – 5 ppm are sufficient for some living things (not ideal for fish).
< 1 ppm, indicates there is probable little to no life in the water.