[Unit 2B: Enquiry Question 1] Flashcards
Coastal Landscapes
define “littoral zone”
wider coastal zone, including: adjacent land and shallow parts of sea
what features are there in the backshore
beaches, dunes, cliffs
what processes are there in the backshore
human activity.
what features are there in the foreshore
inter-tidal zone
sand ridges
what processes are there in the foreshore
-storm surges
-sub aerial
what features are there in the nearshore
longshore bars
what processes are there in the nearshore
-waves (break)
-storm surges
what features are there in the offshore
offshore sands
what processes are there in the offshore
What are 6 (of many) ways of classifying coasts
Balance (between erosion and deposition)
Sea level
Formation processes
Tidal range
what type of: waves, processes, land forms and general location. is at low energy coasts
less powerful waves
deposition and transport
Beaches, salt marshes, sand dunes
sheltered, lowland, coastal plains
Med sea coasts
what type of: waves, processes, land forms and general location. is at high energy coasts
more powerful waves
erosion and transport
cliffs, arches, caves, stacks
exposed, highland&lowland, rocky coasts
Atlantic coasts of Norway and Scotland
define “discordant coastline”
bands of differing rock type run perpendicular to the coast
define “concordant coastline”
bands of differing rock type run parallel to the coast
what features are formed at a discordant coastline
bay and headlands
ensure you know how they are formed