[Unit 1: Enquiry Question 2] Flashcards
Definition of disaster
interaction of tectonic hazard with vulnerable population
Degg’s model
Degg’s model states that there are two factors that must overlap for a disaster, size of the hazard and the vulnerability of the population.
Risk: Exposure of people to a hazardous event which may present a potential threat to people or their possessions, including buildings and structures.
Vulnerability: The degree which you are susceptible to a hazard. (environment, local scale, macro scale, situation of country)
why do some people remain exposed to hazard?
lack of alternatives
changing levels of risk
russian roulette
costs vs benefits
definition of hazard vulnerability
capacity to anticipate, cope, resits and recover impact of hazard
risk equation
(frequency or magnitude x vulnerability) / capacity to cope
definition of reselience
capacity to cope after a disaster
resilience framework
shows that countries should build resilience and adapt after each exposure to hazard
Parks disaster response model
shows how countries performance is affected after a disaster.
do they make a full recovery, never get back to what it was before, or improve to what they were before.
Apply the PAR model to Haiti 2010
Earthquake (7.0)
Root causes:
-debt to USA
Dynamic Pressures:
-lack of preparation
-lack of education
-informal housing
Unsafe Conditions:
-housing on hill sides
-poor infrastructure
-little access to safe water and proper sanitation
vulnerability categories [5]
social (unable to help people in houses)
knowledge (lack of education and training)
physical (living in hazard prone area)
environmental (overcrowding while fleeing)
economic (risk losing assets)
what are the three magnitude and intensity scales for earthquakes
Richter (Ml)
Moment Magnitude Scale (Mw) (MMS)
Mercalli scale
what is the MMS scale
uses energy released by shockwaves and area of rupture
judges impact of earthquake
what is the mercalli scale
uses amount of damage caused by seismic waves
judges intensity of earthquake
goes up to XII
what is the magnitude scale for volcanoes?
volcanic explosivity index (VEI)
What is the VEI scale
uses energy released and type of eruption
goes up to 8