Unit 2: People Flashcards
Warriors for Islam
- Most successful Ghazi
- Followers were called Othman/Ottoman
Orkahn 1
- (Osman’s son) First Ottoman Emperor
- Expanded lands
Mehmed 2 (The Conquerer)
Captured Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul
Selim The Grim
Expanded empire to include Syria, Palestine, Arab. Peninsula, and North Africa
Suleyman 1 (The Magnificent/Lawgiver)
- Ruled at Ottomans peak
- Used Islam to unify empire
- Created civil and criminal laws
- Developed devshirme system (draft)
- formed janissaries (elite soldiers)
- traded in coffee and ceramics
Akbar “The Great”
- Ruled Golden Age of Mughal Empire
- Combined military power w/political wisdom
- Allowed religious tolerance
- levied effective taxation policy
Built an army and laid foundation for Mughal Empire
Shah Jahan
Built Taj Mahal in wife’s memory
Vasco da Gama
- Portugal explorer
- Went South around the Cape of Good Hope & on to India
- Found direct route to India
- Avoided Ottomans
Christopher Columbus
- Spain explorer
- Went West across Atlantic Ocean
- Discovers the Americans
- Allowed for Spanish colonization in the Caribbean
Hernando Cortes
- Spain explorer
- Went West across Atlantic to Mexico
- Conquers Aztecs
- Allows Spain to colonize in Central America
Francisco Pizzaro
- Spain explorer
- Went West across Atlantic to South America
- Conquers Incas
- Allows Spain to colonize in South America
Ferdinand Magellan
- Spain explorer
- First to circumnavigate the globe
- Strait of Magellan
Francis Drake
- England explorer
- 1st ENGLISHMAN to circumnavigate the globe
Jacques Cartier
- France explorer
- Went Northwest across Atlantic to Canada
- Claimed Canada for France
- Gulf of St. Lawrence & St. Lawrence River
Timur The Lame
Rebel warrior & conqueror who crushed the Ottoman in the Battle of Ankara in 1402
“overlord”; “one w/power”
Nonviolent religious group who became target of Mughal hatred
Ruled losing power