UNIT 2: LO2 Flashcards
What is discrimination?
It is the unjust and unfair treatment of individuals based on their differences.
What is the basis of discrimination?
- Race
- Culture
- Disability
- Social class
- Age
- Gender
- Sexual orientation
- Religion
What are the types of discriminatory practice?
- Abuse
- Direct discrimination
- Indirect discrimination
- Prejudice
- Stereotyping
- Labelling
- Bullying
What is abuse?
A negative and harmful way of behaving towards another individual or a certain group of people.
What are the types of abuse?
- Physical
- Emotional
- Verbal
- Sexual
- Financial
What is direct discrimination?
Intentionally putting some one at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly based on their differences.
What is indirect discrimination?
When a policy, practice or rule applies to everybody but has a detrimental effect or disadvantages some people or a particular group.
What does prejudice mean?
A negative attitude of an individual or group based on ill-informed personal opinion about a specific characteristic.
What is stereotyping?
Where generalisations (often offensive and exaggerated) are made about a particular group of people.
What is labelling?
A negative approach that identifies people as members of a particular group, with the assumption that they are all the same.
What is bullying?
Threatening, intimidating, humiliating or frightening others; it is repeated behaviour indented to physically or psychologically hurt.
What are the impacts of discriminatory practices?
- Disempowerment
- Low self-esteem and low self-confidence
- Poor health and wellbeing
- Unfair treatment
- Effects on mental health
What are the types of prejudice?
- Sexism
- Racism
- Homophobia
- Ageism
- Sectarianism
- Disability prejudice
What are examples of discriminatory practices?
- Prejudice
- Inadequate care
- Abuse and neglect
- Breach of health and safety
What is sectarianism?
Prejudice based on individual’s religious background and political beliefs.
What is disability prejudice?
Prejudice based on an individual’s physical or cognitive abilities.