[Unit 2] Female bonding Flashcards
English female b_-talk often starts with a ritual exchange of compliments.
(= поддержание, формирование взаимоотношений)
English female bonding-talk often starts with a ritual exchange of compliments.
BrE /bɒnd/
AmE /bɑːnd/
In fact, this ritual can be _ at almost every social gathering of two or more female friends.
(= можно наблюдать)
In fact, this ritual can be observed at almost every social gathering of two or more female friends.
In fact, this ritual can be observed at almost every social g_ of two or more female friends.
(= встреча, когда собираются вместе несколько человек)
In fact, this ritual can be observed at almost every social gathering of two or more female friends.
I found that when women are a_ by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual.
(= в присутствии/сопровождении мужчин)
I found that when women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual.
I found that when women are accompanied by men, they tend to с_ a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual.
(= проводить укороченную версию ритуала)
I found that when women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual.
When women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual, although they often r_ to the ladies’ loos to complete the exchange.
(= удаляются)
When women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual, although they often retreat to the ladies’ loos to complete the exchange.
O_ing the many variations of this ritual, and often participating as well, I noticed that the compliments are not exchanged at random.
(= наблюдая)
Observing the many variations of this ritual, and often participating as well, I noticed that the compliments are not exchanged at random.
I noticed that the compliments are not exchanged at random, but often in a d_ p_, in accordance with what I came to call the ‘counter-compliment rule’.
(= по чёткой схеме)
I noticed that the compliments are not exchanged at random, but often in a distinctive pattern, in accordance with what I came to call the ‘counter-compliment rule’.
I noticed that the compliments are not exchanged at random, but often _ a distinctive pattern, in accordance with what I came to call the ‘counter-compliment rule’.
по чёткой схеме
I noticed that the compliments are not exchanged at random, but often in a distinctive pattern, in accordance with what I came to call the ‘counter-compliment rule’.
Your hair looks great. I wish I had g_ hair like you – mine’s so boring and mousy.
(= роскошные, прекрасные волосы)
Your hair looks great. I wish I had gorgeous hair like you – mine’s so boring and mousy.
The c_-compliment rule requires that the response to either version contain a self-deprecating denial, and a ‘counter-compliment’, as in ‘Oh, no! My hair’s terrible. It gets so frizzy.
(= контркомплимент)
The counter-compliment rule requires that the response to either version contain a self-deprecating denial, and a ‘counter-compliment’, as in ‘Oh, no! My hair’s terrible. It gets so frizzy.
The counter-compliment rule requires that the response to either version contain a self-deprecating d_, and a ‘counter-compliment’, as in ‘Oh, no! My hair’s terrible. It gets so frizzy.
(= отрицание)
The counter-compliment rule requires that the response to either version contain a self-deprecating denial, and a ‘counter-compliment’, as in ‘Oh, no! My hair’s terrible. It gets so frizzy.
I wish I could have it short like you, but I just don’t have the bone structure. You’ve got such good c_.’
(= скулы)
I wish I could have it short like you, but I just don’t have the bone structure. You’ve got such good cheekbones.’
This must be countered with another self-critical denial, and a further compliment, which prompts yet another s_-d_ denial and yet another counter-compliment.
(= самоуничижительный)
This must be countered with another self-critical denial, and a further compliment, which prompts yet another self-deprecating denial and yet another counter-compliment.
/ˌself ˈdeprəkeɪtɪŋ/
This must be countered with another self-critical denial, and a further compliment, which p_ yet another self-deprecating denial and yet another counter-compliment.
(= провоцирует, вызывает)
This must be countered with another self-critical denial, and a further compliment, which prompts yet another self-deprecating denial and yet another counter-compliment.
BrE /prɒmpt/
AmE /prɑːmpt/
Some English women have turned this kind of humorous s_-d_ into an art form.
(= самоуничижение)
Some English women have turned this kind of humorous self-deprecation into an art form.
/ˌself deprəˈkeɪʃn/
The conversation may j_ _ hair _ shoes to thighs to professional achievement, fitness, social skills, dating success, children, talents and accomplishments.
(= перескакивать с темы на тему)
The conversation may jump from hair to shoes to thighs to professional achievement, fitness, social skills, dating success, children, talents and accomplishments – but the formula remains the same.
The conversation may jump from hair to shoes to t_ to professional achievement, fitness, social skills, dating success, children, talents and accomplishments.
(= бёдра)
The conversation may jump from hair to shoes to thighs to professional achievement, fitness, social skills, dating success, children, talents and accomplishments.
The conversation may jump from hair to shoes to thighs to professional achievement, fitness, social skills, dating success, children, talents and acc_.
(= достижения)
The conversation may jump from hair to shoes to thighs to professional achievement, fitness, social skills, dating success, children, talents and accomplishments.
BrE /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/
AmE /əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənt/
When a compliment is too obviously a_ to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
(= когда похвала настолько очевидно точна, меткая, что ее нельзя отрицать)
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the с_ flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
(= принятый в обществе)
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a h_, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
(= поспешный, торопливый)
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, e_ ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
(= смущенный)
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the i_ counter-compliment.
(= неизбежный, непременный)
When a compliment is too obviously accurate to be received with the customary flat or humorous denial, it is deflected with a hasty, embarrassed ‘Well, thank you, er …’ and the inevitable counter-compliment.
This was not helpful, except in confirming that the rule was deeply i_.
(= глубоко укоренившийся)
This was not helpful, except in confirming that the rule was deeply ingrained.
The typical response was that this would be r_ as rather impolite and unfriendly, possibly even arrogant.
(= будет восприниматься как)
The typical response was that this would be regarded as rather impolite and unfriendly, possibly even arrogant.
This would be regarded as rather impolite and unfriendly, possibly even arrogant – one woman told me that it would be ‘almost as bad as b_’.
(= хвастовство)
This would be regarded as rather impolite and unfriendly, possibly even arrogant – one woman told me that it would be ‘almost as bad as boasting’.
The typical response was that this would be regarded _ rather impolite and unfriendly, possibly even arrogant.
= это было бы расценено как..
The typical response was that this would be regarded as rather impolite and unfriendly, possibly even arrogant.
One woman replied, and I swear this is true and was not p_ in any way, ‘Well, you’d know she wasn’t English!’
(= никто её к этому ответу не подталкивал)
One woman replied, and I swear this is true and was not prompted in any way, ‘Well, you’d know she wasn’t English!’
I found that when women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a s_ truncated version of the complimenting ritual.
(= несколько урезанную версию)
I found that when women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual.
There are social ‘points’ to be g_ed by making amusing, witty, self-critical remarks.
= можно получить
There are social ‘points’ to be gained by making amusing, witty, self-critical remarks.
The counter-compliment rule r_ that the response to either version (should) contain a self-deprecating denial, and a ‘counter-compliment’, as in ‘Oh, no! My hair’s terrible. It gets so frizzy.
(= требует)
The counter-compliment rule requires that the response to either version (should) contain a self-deprecating denial, and a ‘counter-compliment’, as in ‘Oh, no! My hair’s terrible. It gets so frizzy.