Unit 2- Early Cultures In Canada Flashcards
How did the Europeans first find North America
It was by accident
They tried to find a back way to Asia and didn’t realize it was North America
What did the Europeans find in North America (4pts)
How did trade cause conflict in North America
-The FN fought for a chance to trade with the Europeans
-They became dependent on the European goods like metal and guns
Why did the FN’s start dying off
The Europeans came with diseases they weren’t immune to
The process of 2 of more cultures interacting with eachother
4 types of acculturation
Annihilation and example
One culture feels superior to another. The “stronger one” feels it has the right to destroy the weaker culture.
Ex: Nazi/Jewish people- 6 million Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust in WW2
Segregation and example
The “stronger” culture wants to protect themselves from contamination or change. So the weaker culture is separated or isolated so this can’t occur
Ex: Apartheid- In 1948 race laws didn’t allow interracial marriages, jobs were for whites only
Assimilation and example
When a “weaker” culture comes into contact with a “superior” culture. People from the smaller culture are taught to understand and practice the bugger culture. The weaker change over time and become part of the stronger culture till they no longer exist.
Ex: Aboriginal people of Canada- missionaries converted them to the European religion with residential schools
Accommodation and example
Two cultures come into contact and their relationship evolves with allows each culture to retain their way of life. They interact with each others culture and share in an equal basis
Ex: Canada- mosaic of cultures
What land did the French claim as their own
The St.Lawrence river
What did Samuel De Champlain send his men to do with their native allies
-Encourage Trade
-Learn their language and customs
-map the area
Who did Champlain send to make the FN human and what did they do
He sent the Recollect Friars to
-Relocate the FN to farms
-Wear European clothing
-Speak French
Who were the second missionaries to come to New France
The Jesuit’s
What did the Jesuits do
They lived with the FN people
Learned their language, customs, and ways of life
They converted one soul at a time
What is the Seigneurial System
Land was arranged in long strips called seiagneuries along the banks of the St.Lawrence
Where did the British go when they arrived in North America
Hudson’s Bay
Why did the British go to Hudson’s bay (4pts)
-It bypassed the French at the St.Lawrence river
-It reached farther inland for new customers
-They moved around the French to deal with the Cree
-Large vessels would sail right into the bay to unload cargo
What is Rupert’s land
An area “awarded” to the Hudson’s Bay company as their exclusive trading area. It reached from the Pacific to the Northern Atlantic
How did the British trade with FN
The Hudson’s Bay company built many trading posts along the shores and waited for the FN people to come and trade
How did the French trade with the FN
The French sent traders to make contact with the FN people in their own villages
When was the Seven years war
What is the treaty of Paris
France signed away North America
They gave up:
-Ohio valley
-The Great Lakes
-French Louisiana
What did France get in the treaty of Paris
St.Pierre and Miquelon
The Royal proclamation 1763 (3pts)
First attempt at Britain ruling North America
-Quebec was created
Nova Scotia expanded
-Ohio valley became off limits
Goal of the Royal Proclamation
Britain wanted to demolish the French by settling them with English settlers
Government under the Royal Proclamation
Consisted of British governor and appointed council of rich English men
What did the royal proclamation do to Quebec
Made it smaller
Why did settler not want to go to Quebec(3pts)
-Foreign land they don’t know how to farm
-Too many French
What was the Quebec Act made for
To make the French happy and loyal, not moving with the Americans for war
Government under the Quebec Act (2 people, 1pt)
Appointed British governor,
Appointed council,
But now French men were allowed on the appointed council
What did the Quebec Act do for Quebec
Made it bigger
What and why was the Constitutional Act made-1791 (3pts)
-A 3rd attempt at British ruling Canada
-To make a representative government
-The British didn’t want to lose another colony like the USA so they addressed concerns to make Canadians happy
What areas were created in Canada
Upper Canada- upstream with mostly English
Lower Canada- downstream with mostly French
Constitutional Act new government structure (5pts)
The Executive and Legislative Council
They were a privileged group that controlled colonial commercial and political life.
They were an oligarchy (ruled by few)
How was the legislative Assembly picked
They were elected
Who and what was the Legislative Assembly
-They created laws that were approved by the councils and governor
-No women or FN
-Males who owned or rented lots of property
-They weren’t paid so they had to be wealthy
-Open ballot elections with lots of bribes
What was the government of 1791 like (3pts)
-Representative (they had an elected assembly)
-Not democratic or fair
-Not responsible or did what was asked
What was the North West passage
Who was Henry Hudson and what did he do (4pts)
-He discovered Hudson’s Bay
-His ships became trapped by the ice and they were stranded for the winter
-In the spring he told them to keep exploring and his crew left him with his son and loyal crew in a small boat
-Henry Hudson was then never seen again
Why was the French colony of Louisbourg important to France and England
It was a sea port to St Lawrence
Why did France and England fight over the Ohio Valley
-France wanted it for fur trade
-England wanted it to farm
Describe the tragedy of what happened to the French Acadians
The French Acadians wouldn’t choose sides or sign an oath to the British and the British found then a threat so they deported 7000 of the to barbatos and southern USA
Where did the final battle between the French and English take place
Plains of Abraham/ Quebec city
What did the French get after the 7 years war
Island of Guadalupe
What is the Boston Tea Party
People reacted negatively when a tax was put in tea. Settlers dressed as Indians stormed the Boston harbour and threw all the tea into the harbour
Who fought against the Americans
British soldiers
British loyalists
FN allies
Who did the Americans encourage to join them
Quebec, but they weren’t unhappy with where they were at that point
Why did France do for the Americans and why
They began to aid the American military
Get revenge against the British
Regain land in North America
What did British loyalists do once the American Revolution came to an end
They fled new “America” and came to Quebec and Nova Scotia
3 groups of people with Quebec
-English speaking British loyalists
Why did they explore the North West passage
They found North America but still wanted a path to Asia
Why did the war of 1812 start
-The Americans thought Canada would be easy to capture since Britain was busy fighting Europe
-Britain blocked France so the USA couldn’t trade with France
-Britain stopped American ships to search for British citizens and would then send them to war.
What happened in June 1812
USA declares war against Britain and makes plans to invade Canada
What happened in November 1812
The Americans were able to capture York (Toronto) and the capital. The Americans burned much of Quebec
What happened in June 1813
Americans were pushed out of York and eventually pushed past the boarder
What happened in 1814
The British took control of Washington and burned the White House but they eventually suffered a crushing defeat
When was the peace treaty of the War of 1812 signed
December 24th,1814
Who won the war of 1812
The Americans
They lost in the battlefield but where given Ohio Valley in the peace treaties
Who lost the war if 1812
The FN
they weren’t allowed at the negotiating table and were being forced out of the Ohio valley
Who broke even in the war of 1812
The Canadians
Didn’t gain or lose land the borders remained the same
What is nomadic
Being always on the move searching for food
What is sedentary
Permanent villages
Where was the land bridge
Sea levels were low 20,000 years ago so they existed between Asia and North America (Russia and Alaska)
How did the first humans come to America
It’s believed that nomadic hunters followed the wooly mammoth approximately 15,000 years ago into North America
What is world view
A way of looking at life and the world around you
What FN group aligned with the British
The Iroquois
What FN group aligned with the French
The Hurons
The Eastern woodlands (2pts)
-Known for canoes and snowshoes
Plains (3pts)
-known for roots, berries, tobacco, deer, and bison
-Used horses
Pacific Coast (2pts)
-known as fishermen with canoes for 50 people and giant totem poles
Methods of hunting buffalo (3pts)
-Ride beside them and shoot full of arrows
-Built a big fence, trap them in it and then shoot with arrows
-Cliff diving: chase a group of buffalo if a steep drop
Who lived in the St.Lawrence Valley (1pt)
Mostly the Iroquois Confederation