Unit 2 - Chapter 8 Flashcards
party polarization
the wide gap between Dems and Reps views on political issues
political party
a team of people seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election
linkage institutions (4 main ways)
ways where people’s concerns become political issues on the US’ policy agenda
parties, elections, interest groups, and mass media
rational-choice theory
parties pick policies that are widely favored in order to get votes (whichever party does this better gets elected)
party image
a citizen’s understanding of what Democrats or Republicans stand for
party identification
people’s self-proclaimed preference for one party of another (in US, you belong to a party by just saying so)
ticket splitting
what most Independents do, voting with one party in one office and another in another office on ballot
party machines
used to dominate cities, a party organization that depends on rewarding members for their loyalty in a material fashion
the key part of party machines, a job that is rewarded for political reasons rather than merit
closed primaries
elections for party nominees which only people who register in advance can vote for party’s candidates
open primaries
elections to set party nominees where people decide on election day if they want to participate in Dem or Rep contests
national convention
meeting of party delegates every 4 years to choose a presidential ticket and write the party’s platform
national committee
keeps party operating between conventions, Dems ONLY have multiple officials on top of what Reps have (2 reps from each state)
national chairperson
runs day to day of party, selected by president themself
a set of individuals and groups supporting a party
party eras
periods of history where one party wins majority of election
critical election
punctuates each party era, where party’s reign switches, usually after a crisis
party realignment
a rare event in US political life, associated with major crisis where majority of voters switch to other party
party dealignment
what’s happening now, people gradually move away from both parties and move towards center
third parties
smaller parties based on certain causes, offshoot of major party, or extension of popular individual (often don’t win, but get agendas on national stage)
winner-take-all system
whoever gets most votes wins election, why US is mostly based on two party system
proportional representation
in most European countries, legislative seats equal percent of votes for that party (15% voted, get 15% of seats)
coalition government
common in Europe, where small parties join with bigger ones to form a majority
responsible party model
what some people think US should have, parties become more distinct, candidates must carry out set policies, majority party accepts responsibility for government
Dems only, people that go to national convention to vote for presidential nominee
the traditional and new political beliefs of middle class
traditionally republican, becoming democratic because of government programs
7 main values of US political culture
liberty, equality, individualism, civic duty, democracy, justice, nationalism
issues that make it hard for 3rd parties to reign
space on ballot, winner take all, not enough people to run for all offices
type of party system US has
single party system (europe usually multi-party system)
party job, recruits people to vote for candidate
party job, watches mistakes of other parties so they can be pointed out
party job, gives people set ideas they can have
think tank
how parties address problems with their policies, used to recruit people
1st Democratic Party Era
1824-1860, first national policies/conventions, ends with Civil War
Republican Year Party Era
1860-1932, only time in US history minor party becomes major party, primaries used for first time, ends with Great Depression
2nd Democratic Party Era
1932-1968, foundation of Dem beliefs made (and Rep), ends with Vietnam War
Era of Divided Governmetn
1968-now, one party controls executive, another controls part of legislative