Unit 2, Chapter 7 (The Federal Bureaucracy) Flashcards
Judicial Checks Against Bureaucracy
Declare bureaucratic regulation unconstitutional
Declare bureaucratic regulation as an ‘unreasonable interpretation of law” (Biden student loan forgiveness plan - heyyy that’s not was federal law meant!)
Legislative Checks
Limit bureaucratic discretion (more specific lamnguage in laws)
Limit funding for bureaucratic agencies or initiativ
Congressional oversight hearings: investigate activity and publicie issues
Executive Checks
Appoint and replace the heads of bureaucratic agency
“Serve at the pleasure of the president
Internally monitor compliance and use of funds
Influence implementation of policy based on ideology
Executive Cabinet and Agencies
Secretary of..
State - Foreign affairs and international relations
Labor - Wage disputes, workpalace safety, workers rights, and unions
Homeland Securiry - Border security, terrorism, cyber security
Treasury - currency, tax collection, economic policy
Transportation - Highways and infrastructure, regulate air and rail travel
Defense - National security and armed forces
Transportation - Highways and infrastructure, etc etc etc
Defense -
Agriculture -
Energy -
Iron Triangles
Bureaucracy, Congress, and interest groups ally on specific issue // all around ONE KEY ISSUE
Interest Groups (iron triangle)
donate to congress and provide research to Bureaucracy
Congress (iron triangle)
Passes laws and gives funding to agencies to enforce policy
Bureaucracy (iron triangle)
Implement favorable regulations for that policy perspective
Regulatory group w/ fixed terms appointed by Presidents
To know : FEC - elections , or SEC - stock and bond trading
Agency established by congress which provides services and is self sufficient (Amtrack - National passenger trains
SELF !! SUFFICENT!! Meaning that you sufficient it
Beuracratic Heirarchyh
Cabinet Secretary leads dept. (appoint by Pres - Approved by Sen)
Appointed by Pres - again, the president has to like you. Senate approves if they have at least someee qualifications and skills
Senior Executive: Appointees who temporarily lead agencies
Career Civil Servants: like teachers
Jacksonian Era
Bureaucratic appointments based on connection and patronage/loyalty to president
No matter how qualified you are - you have to be on good with the president
Modern Era
Appointment based on qualifications, and civil service exam scores (merit based)
a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. A complex organization that has multilayered systems and processes
Federal Bureaucracy
the departments and agencies within the executive branch that carry out the laws of the nation
A powerful player in the American political scene, but it seldom makes the news unless something goes wrong.
an official employed within a government bureaucracy
The federal bureaucracy regulates much of the nation’s economy and private life
Political Patronage
filling of admiistrative positions as a reward for support, rather than merit.
(Andrew Jackson)
Pendleton Act (1883)
an act of Congress taht created the first United States Civil Service Commission to draw up and enforce rules on hiring, promotion, and ture of office within the civil service (also known as the Civil Service Reform Act of 1883)
Done bc of increasing demands about the corruption that came with the spoils system
Its task was to draw up and enfornce rules on hiring, promotion, and tenure of office within the civil service.
Federal Civil Service
the merit-based bureaucracy, excluding the armed forces and political appointments. Existed under the new rules of the Pendleton Act
merit system
a system of hiring and promotion based on competitive testing results, education, and other qualifications rather than politics and personal connections.
Members of the civil service are supposed to behave neutrally
Iron Triangle
coordinated and mutually beneficial activities of the bureaucracy, Congress, and interest groups to achieve shared policy goals
AP TIP - rion triangles are an important part of the policymaking process. Make sure you understand the beneficial relationships between members of the arrangement.
Issue Network
webs of influence between interest groups, policy makers, and policy advocates
the bureaucracy’s role in putting into action the laws that Congress has passed.
Bureaucratic Discretion
the power to decide how a law is implemented and to decide what congress meant when it passed a law.
the process through which the federal bureaucracy makes rules that have the force of law, to carry out the laws passed by congress.
Bureaucratic Adjudication
When the federal bureaucracy settles disputes between parties that arise over the implementation of federal laws or determines which individuals or groups are covered under a regulation or program.
President’s Control of Bureaucraucitrh
Formally controls most of the federal bureacracy
Can appont and demote
Face roadblocks in trying to control the day-to-day functions of the bureaucracy,
Congress Control of adfbjadfbjjbi
Can pass legislation creating or terminating agencies and programs, and, through the process of appropriation, has control over the resources of that departments, bureaus, and agencies receive to carry out their tasks.