U.5: AP Gov Exam - Studying Flashcards
Voting Models
single issue (ex. abortion, gun rights)
rational choice (self interest)
retrospective (party’s recent past)
prospective (party’s future performance)
party line (with your party no matter what)
Voter Turnout Factors
election type (Fed/state)
voter registration laws
voting incentive
midterm / presidential election
15th Amendment (Voting Amendments)
suffrage for African American men
17th Amendment (Voting Amendments)
Popular election of US Senators
19th Amendment (Voting Amendments)
Women’s suffrage
24th Amendment (Voting Amendments)
elimination of poll taxes
It abolished and forbids the federal and state governments from imposing taxes on voters during federal elections
26th Amendment (Voting Amendments)
voting age moved from 21 to 18
Voting Acts
Motor Voter Act AKA Nat’l Voter Reg. Act of 1993
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Winner-take-all (Election Structure)
limits third-parties / independents
Ranked Choice Voting (Election Structure)
Maine and Nebraska, more open to non-DEM / GOP
Policy Outcomes
Bush administration tax cuts (trickle down economics)
Iron Triangles
Lobbying (Policy Outcomes)
engaging in activities to influence public officials (ex. by fossil fuels companies/pharma)
Iron Triangles (Policy Outcomes)
Congressional Committee - Bureaucracy - Interest Group relationship (issue network: iron triangle but w/more groups)
the unbreakable relationship that forms between Congress, interest groups, and bureaucracy. all elements of the triangle keep the others happy and create a mutually sustainable relationship
BCRA/McCain-Feingold Act of 2022 (Campaign Finance)
Amended FEC Act of 1971 and limited soft money contributions and pre-primary campaign ads funded by corporations/unions
Citizens United v FEC (Campaign Finance)
Partially nullified (made legally null and void; invalidate) the BCRA and qualified corporate political donations as free Speech/expression under the First Amendment
Social Media (Media Coverage)
a modern campaign management need
Major network news (Media Coverage)
profit/entertainment = primary objective –> info is not always relevant (ex. Horse Races)