unit 2 aos 3 Flashcards
are the people who work for businesses in exchange for payment.
human resource managers
are individuals who coordinate the relationship between employees and management within a business
3 examples of management strategies
clearly communicating goals, motivating employees, supporting employees
3 effects of management strategies on employee performance
they have a clear understanding of how to achieve business goals, increased job satisfaction, increased job productivity
staffing needs
are the requirements a business has for employees
3 sources of staff knowledge and skills that employers may require
experience, education, qualifications
developments in technology
are the inventions and innovations of tools that solve problems and enhance processes
is the programs used on computers and other electronic devices
3 types of developments in technology
software, ai and robotics
how has technology affected staffing needs
reduced the amount of manual labourers a business needs, and has increased the amount of ICT professionals a business needs.
internal recruitment (+2 ways of doing it)
is the process of filling job vacancies with existing staff at the business. may occur through an intranet or word of mouth
is a private computer network used to share information within a business
word of mouth
is the verbal communication of information between individuals. This method of recruitment can involve employees and managers verbally sharing information about vacant job positions within the business.
3 advantages of internal recruitment
the business is already familiar with the employee and their skills, employees may become more motivated as they are offered the opportunity to advance their career, employes may require less training
3 disadvantages of internal recruitment
a limited number of candidates to select from, existing employees may not have the required skills for the role, the employee may not be able to bring new ideas to the business.
external recruitment (+3 ways of doing it)
is the process of filling job vacancies with individuals outside of a business. may occur through websites, online recruiters and social media
online recruitment agencies
is a business that works on behalf of an employer to find suitable job candidates
how can websites advertise jobs?
This can allow a business to provide detailed information about vacant roles, the culture of the business, and job specifications.
how can social media advertise jobs?
Social media has enabled businesses to create their own profiles and advertise vacant job positions.
a meeting that occurs between an employer and a job candidate to determine whether they have the necessary knowledge, skills, and ideas to fulfil the position.
3 advantages of interviews
employer can ask detailed questions, applicants have the opportunity to learn more about the business, owner has the ability to assess a candidate’s ability to think under pressure
3 disadvantages of interviews
interviewers may be biased and influenced by their own preferences, candidates may be dishonest, some candidates may not perform well under pressure
psychological testing
is a scientific method of examining a job applicant’s behavioural style and reasoning skills
3 advantages of psychological testing
insight into a candidate’s personality and working style, Employers are usually able to access the results instantly, can be administered quick
3 disadvantages of psychological testing
Some candidates may not perform well under test conditions, A business may incur extra costs to access psychological testing programs, A candidate may be interrupted by technological issues
work testing
is the process of administering practical or written assessments to determine the suitability of a job candidate for a position
3 advantages of work testing
Existing employees in the business are provided with the opportunity to work alongside the candidate, Employers can evaluate a candidate’s work ethic, opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities on the job
3 disadvantages of work testing
It may not be suitable for positions where tasks take days or weeks to complete, Some candidates may be nervous and unable to demonstrate their full capabilities, time consuming.
online selection
is the process of choosing an employee based on online forms completed by a job applicant.
3 advantages of online selection
the business can conveniently review candidate responses, A business can reach a wider range of candidates, candidates submit the form instantly
3 disadvantages of online selection
The process may be interrupted by technological issues, It is possible for data breaches to occur, can result in businesses receiving a large volume of responses from unsuitable candidates
national employment standards (NES) and how many are there?
are the minimum entitlements an employer owes its employees, which are set out in the Fair Work Act 2009. There are 11
what are the 11 national employment standards
- maximum weekly hours, 2. request for flexible working arrangements, 3. offers and requests for casual conversion, 4. parental leave, 5. annual leave, 6. personal or carer’s leave, 7. community service leave, 8. long service leave, 9. public holidays, 10. notice of termination and redundancy pay, 11. fair work info statement
maximum weekly hours
38 hours per week. only full time employes may be requested to work reasonable overtime hours
request for flexible working arrangements
An employee may request a change in their working arrangements if the employee is a parent, provides care or support to a member of their family or household, has a disability
offers and requests for casual conversion
An employer must offer a casual employee to convert to full time or part-time work if the employee has been working at the business for at least 12 months
parental leave and related entitlements
This leave can be taken for birth-related leave, in which an employee is raising their baby, or adoption-related leave, in which the employee has adopted a child under the age of 16. a single, continuous period of 12 months of unpaid leave.
annual leave
For each year of service with an employer, an employee is entitled to four weeks of paid annual leave
personal/carer’s leave
For each year of service with an employer, an employee is entitled to ten days of paid personal/carer’s leave
community service leave
Employees, including casual employees, can take leave for engaging in an eligible community service activity, which includes jury service
long service leave
An employee that has been working at the business for an applicable period of time will be entitled to an extended period of leave in accordance with their relevant award or agreement.
public holidays
A full-time or part-time employee is entitled to be absent for employment on a public holiday and still receive the base rate of pay
notice of termination and redundancy pay
An employer must provide their employee with written notice of the day of termination. The period of time an employer must notify their employee before terminating their employment
fair work information statement
An employer must give each employee the Fair Work Information Statement before the employee starts employment.
employment contract
a legal document thatoutlines the wages and work conditions of an employee within a business.
is when an employee is committed to supporting the business achieve its objectives.
terms of notice
are written communications that an employee must provide to a business within a certain amount of time before leaving their position.
conditions of employment
are what an employer has agreed to offer the employee in return for the work they complete
work-life balance
is the division of a person’s time between the demands of their job and their personal life.
is the money an employee receives from an employer in exchange for the work they complete.
job security
is the likelihood of an employee keeping their job.
employee induction
is the process of introducing a new employee to the business
3 purposes of employee induction
introduce key staff, communicate job tasks commence training
3 methods of employee induction
E-learning, on the job training, mentoring, induction pack, meetings.
is the ethical conduct of a business when making business decisions.
3 diversity considerations when selecting staff
gender balanced workplace, diverse range of ethnicities, preventing nepotism
3 csr considerations related to employment expectations
providing generous remuneration, facilitating workplace flexibility, providing assistance to new parents
overseas recruitment
is the process of filling job vacancies with individuals who are not currently located in Australia.
3 csr considerations for overseas recruitment
host a welcoming event, provide diversity and inclusion training, provide employees with location flexibility