Unit 2 Flashcards
An outward sign of inward grace
Sacraments of initiation
Sacraments of healing
Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments of vocation
Holy Orders
Importance of Baptism
Old life of child washed away and new one entered
First sacrament
Original sin washed away and God’s Grace (love) is given
Importance of Confirmation
Final sacrament of initiation and one becomes an adult member of the Church
Grave of God received through Holy Spirit
Importance of reconciliation
Forgiveness of sins
Reminds of grace/love of God through absolution and need to be with God always
Importance of Anointing of the Sick
Strengthening of those who are sick, in danger or near death
Grace received
Forgiveness of sick
Importance of matrimony
Lifelong bond between husband, wife and God
Allows for procreation
God’s Grace received
Importance of Holy Orders
Following work of Jesus and apostles
Care for parish - leads to salvation
Spread Christ to all
Importance of Eucharist
Most important sacrament - body of Christ received
Strengthen with grace, spiritual food
Unites Catholics as body of Christ
Orthodox view of sacrament
They call sacraments the 7 Mysteries
Protestant view on sacrament
They only celebrate baptism and Eucharist as they were the only ones in the bible
Baptist and evangelist view of sacrament
They only get baptised as an expression of faith, not sacrament
First part of Mass - Introductory Rite
Includes penitential rite - confess sins at beginning
Second part of Mass - Liturgy of the Word
Readings from Bible, Gospel, homily is said and Nicene Creed is said
Third part of Mass - Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offertory (where Eucharist is placed on altar) happens and Eucharist prayer is said as transubstantiation happens. Communion received
Last part of Mass - Concluding Rites
Final blessing and send off to say good news
Importance of the mass
Transsubstantiation - Jesus is actually there
Eucharist - sacrament where God’s grace is received
Mass reminds Catholics of resurrection and life after death
Brings Catholics together as Body of Christ, share love of God
Mass instructed by Jesus at Last Supper, “in memory of me”
Quaker and Salvation Army view on Eucharist
No Eucharist - there is only 1 Last Supper
Protestant view on Eucharist
They don’t believe in transubstantiation (orthodox do believe in it however)
Some Protestant views on liturgical worship
Use it rarely
Bible, songs and music are key
Extempore prayer mainly
Anglican, Orthodox and Catholic view on Liturgical worship
Main form of worship
Funeral Rite 1 - Vigil of the Deceased
Deceased is laid out in coffin to be visited by friends and relatives
Songs prayers and homily conducted by priest
Brings everyone together
Funeral Rite 2 - Funeral Liturgy
Mass or Liturgy of the Word is said
Reading from bible about mystery of death
Importance of Paschal Mystery in Eucharist
Funeral Liturgy 3 - the Committal
Prayer of commendation said in hopes of meeting deceased in eternal life
Aim 1 of the Funeral Rite
Communion with the deceased - prayers are said encouraging the deceased into their next life
Aim 2 of the Funeral Rite
Communion of the Community - community come together as the Body of Christ showing their love for the deceased
Aim 3 of the Funeral Rite
Proclamation of eternal life - reminds us that life is not the end, but rather the passage to communion with God
Acknowledging God and that people are completely dependant on him
Worshipping God
Example is the Glory Be
Expressing love and gratitude to God for life, family, friends, salvation etc.
An example is grace before a meal
Acknowledging sorrow for something that they have done
Prayer of repentance
An example is the I Confess at Mass
Praying to God on behalf of someone else or asking saints in heaven to pray for themselves
Bidding prayers and Intercessions are examples of intercession
Personal needs being asked for in prayer before important moments e.g praying before an exam
CCC 1210 - sacraments
The seven sacraments touch all stages and all the important moments of Christian life
CCC 1211 - Eucharist
The Eucharist occupies a unique place as the “Sacraments of all sacraments”.
CCC 1068 - Liturgical worship
It is in the liturgy … that the work of our redemption is accomplished
CCC 1681 - The Funeral Rite
The Christian meaning of death is revealed in the light of the Paschal Mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ in whom resides our only hope
CCC - prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is the most perfect of prayers
CCC 1674 - piety
The religious sense of the Christian people has always found expression in various forms of piety
CCC 2692 - piety
Evoke our earthly journey toward heaven and a traditionally very special occasions for renewal in prayer
Evangelii Gaudium - Catholic Social Teaching
We must never forget that the plant belongs to all mankind and is meant for all mankind
5 types of prayer
Adoration, Thanksgiving, Repentance, Intercession, Petition
Two main types of prayer
Formal and Extempore
Formal prayer
Formal prayer for example the Our Father and the Mass
Extempore prayer
Prayer done in the silence of the heart done at home (i.e less formal).
Why do Catholics pray
Stepping away from life and focusing on God.
Deepening relationship with God.
Showing thanks to God for everything he provided.
Offer needs or needs of others to God.
Forms of popular piety
Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration
Structured and allows reflection.
Reminds of the main events in Jesus’ life.
Reflection on Mary’s life.
Stations of the Cross
Reminds user of passion of Jesus
Can reflect and give thanks for the sacrifice of Christ.
Reminds of Jesus’ salvation.
Eucharistic adoration
Allows one to become present with Jesus through the host.
Thanks and praise offered to God.
Experience the grace of God through reflecting on the Eucharist.
Divergent beliefs
Protestants only reflect on the bible and do personal prayer and don’t take part in the other three popular piety.
Importance of popular piety
Different way in which Catholics can be connected to God.
Importance of popular piety
Different way in which Catholics can be connected with God.
Catholics can express their faith on a more personal level.
Catholics’ faith can be enhanced but Mass is still most important.
Helpful habit and used in certain times in Church calendar.
4 most important places of pilgrimage
Jerusalem, Lourdes, Walsingham, Rome
Why Catholics go on pilgrimage
Helps them on search for God. Time when someone can become closer to God especially through prayer. Place of service. Special connection. Looking for healing.
Divergent view on pilgrimage
Protestants think you don’t need to go on pilgrimage because you can encounter God anywhere. Also seen as idolatry because you should only pray to God.
Protestants go to Jerusalem but not to places associated with holy people.
7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching
Sacredness and dignity of the individual.
Call to family.
Human rights and the importance to protect them.
Preferential option for the poor.
Dignity of work, and the rights of workers.
Solidarity with all people.
Stewardship and care for God’s creation.
Why is CST important?
Inspired by the sheep and the goats, good Samaritan, love of God and your neighbour.
Promotes need for justice, peace and reconciliation.
Means the Church is united together as Body of Christ to promote fairness.
Rooted in Church teaching, and teachings of Jesus.
How do Catholics show CST in their lives?
In their work/vocation.
Helping needy in society.
Giving to charity.
What does CAFOD do?
Works in partnership with those in most need in long term projects.
Short term projects when there is an emergency,
Inform and educate Catholic community in England and Wales.
Campaign for social justice and speak up for those in most need.
What is evangelisation?
Spreading the faith through teaching or actions that help others.
Why is evangelisation important?
Way Catholics can visibly share the love of God to others.
Shares Gospel with others.
Helps others achieve salvation.
Catholics have duty to continue mission of the apostles.
How does the Church evangelise?
Through the Parish, through Mass, with other churches or with media such as newspapers.
Pope proclaims Gospel through world events and media and also does acts of charity.
How do individuals evangelise?
Choice of career, having a family or by being a catechist.
Share and learn about faith at national events.
Speaking at international conferences or blog online.