Unit 1 Flashcards
The Trinity in worship
At baptism, Trinity used to bring members into Church.
Sign of cross said at Mass and beginning.
CCC Trinity
“We profess one God in three persons”
God the Father
Created us, above us, provides for us, cares for us
God the Son
Beside us, saves us from sin, shows God in human form
Holy Spirit
Inside us, God’s communication, inspires us and Prophets and Magisterium - Apostolic tradition
Uses of Trinity
At baptism, used to welcome people into Church
During Mass, sign of cross said at beginning
Jesus’ baptism bible verse
Matthew 3:16 - “And a voice from heaven appeared and said this is my son, whom I am well pleased”
Council of Nicaea (325 CE)
Arianism was heretical
Jesus homoousios with God (made of same substance)
Nicene Creed created
Council of Constantinople
Holy Spirit was God
Arianism and Appollinarism heretical
Genesis quote
Genesis 1:1 - “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth”
“God saw the light was good” - shows benevolence
What Genesis 1 shows
God the Father’s power and how he created the world from nothing
His benevolence and his good creation
His eternity
What does Genesis 2 and 3 show
Humanity betraying God
Catholic view of Genesis
Metaphor that teaches of the power of God. Big Bang happened but God made it happen
Shows need for God and not to turn away
Creationist view of Genesis
Bible is word of God and everything is true and science is incorrect
Mainstream Protestant view of Genesis
Bible is word of God but the time frames represent billions of years
Less traditional view of Genesis
Metaphor/myth that isn’t true but was a way for early messages to be understood
What humans being made in imago dei means
Have free will and conscience Rational Can relate to God Can give and receive love Answerable to God
Humans have _______________ over the world meaning we have a duty to …
Dominion and stewardship
Protect the planet with love
Humanist and atheist views on creation and nature of humanity
We have a duty to care for environment for future generations but God has nothing to do with it
Importance of incarnation
Shows love of God the Father to send his son to Earth
Stresses importance of family life as Jesus had a family
What does the incarnation show?
What God is like as He reveals himself through Jesus
That we can achieve salvation through belief of Jesus and have eternal life
That Jesus was human just like us
Incarnation bible
John 1:14 - “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”
Humans are forgiven of their sins by sacrifice of Jesus
Process of being saved from sin and returning to God
Belief that humanity can be brought back to God because of Jesus’ death if we live good and holy lives
The life of Jesus
Through it we see the love of God
Gives example on how to be holy like God and live a love of grace through Eucharist
Resurrection of Jesus (Paschal Mystery)
Basis of Christianity; belief that Jesus rose from the dead - gives hope of life after death
Shows Jesus is actually Son of God
Ascension of Jesus (Paschal Mystery)
Shows Jesus didn’t die like us but is God and ascended into heaven
Beginning of Church’s mission to teach Gospel
Death of Jesus (Paschal Mystery)
Shows how good defeats evil
Ultimate sign of love and forgiveness - salvation
Paschal Mystery Bible quote Luke 24:7
Luke 24:7 - “The Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, be crucified and three days later rise to life.”
Particular judgement
Judgement that happens immediately after death
Last judgement
Judgement on last day where everyone is judged - living and dead
Soul judged where it will end - parable of sheep and goats
Place of perfection with God
Complete goodness and love, with God always
Eternal pain and suffering; complete absence of God
Place where people who refused God’s love went
Believed only by Christians
Waiting while sins are forgiven and we are made ready for love of God
Purposeful suffering
Why eschatology is important
Judgement leads to good lives led
Catholics will follow scripture
Life has purpose
Non-Catholic view on eschatology
Purgatory doesn’t exist
Evangelist view on eschatology
Soul and body stay in grave until last day where everyone is judged and good go to heaven
Christian view agreed on eschatology
Soul goes to heaven or hell immediately and is reunited with body on the last day
Benevolent God eschatology theory
Hell doesn’t exist because a benevolent God wouldn’t condemn one to Hell forever, but he would teach you
Eschatology quote John 11:25-26
John 11:25-26 - “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will live”
Genesis 1:26
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion