Unit 2 Flashcards
4 Physiological Density
number of people per unit area of arable land
5 Agriculture Density
The number of farmers per unit of arable land
18 Neo-Malthusian Theory
people who believe that the population of the world is growing too quickly for the scale of agricultural production to keep up
17 Overpopulation
when a region a region has exceeded its carrying capacity
14 Demographic transition model
model of a country’s rate of natural increase changes as a country industrializes
15 Epidemiological transition model
how a country’s standard of living affects patterns of diseases
16 Malthusian Theory
world’s population was growing faster than the rate of food production, which would cause mass starvation
10 Crude Death Rate/Mortality
number of deaths per year per 1000 people
9 Crude Birth Rate
number of births occurring per year per 1000 people
8 Population pyramid
compares age and sex structure in a country
3 Arithmetic Density
average number of people per unit of land area
2 Ecumene
The portion of Earth’s surface with permanent human settlement
1 Demography
the statistic study of human population
12 Rate of natural increase
the difference between number of births and deaths in a year
7 Sex ratio
ratio of males:females
11 Total fertility Rate
average number of children born per women during their reproductive lifetime
13 Doubling Time
number of years it takes for a population to double
6 Carrying capacity
the number of people something can support and sustain