Unit 2 Flashcards
a journey to a shrine or other holy place for spiritual and devotional reasons
not the true pope
a life dedicated to prayer, work, study, and the needs of society
monastic life
of or relating to the Church
poverty, chastity, and obedience
evangelical counsels
the buying and selling of spiritual things, spiritual services, or Church offices
Saint basil the great developed a _______ for monks calling them to a life dedicated to serving God in other people, especially those who were poor.
rule of life
The term ______ refers to a cultural and political atmosphere that came into existence during the high middle ages in europe when nearly everyone was catholic and catholicism influenced every aspect of peoples lives.
___________ wrote a list of church related issues that he felt were in need of reform called the ninety five theses
martin luther
_________ translated the bible into latin from hebrew and greek
st. jerome
fourteen books of the new testament are epistles or letters, which were written by or at least attributed to ______ one of the most famous early christian missionaries
st paul
_______, the sister of saint benedict of nursia founded a monastery for nuns
The great schism of the west developed in the late 1300s when competing cardinals elected two new popes each one claimed to be the real pope.
pope innocent III gathered about 1200 bishops, abbots, and other church leaders for a great ecumenical council, the fourth lateran council
peter and the other disciples were filled with the holy spirit and strengthened to proclaim the good news of jesus christ to the world
constantine made rome a christian city
in 1054 a schism separated the church in the eastern and western parts of the roman empire
the council of trent called for the publication of a universal catechism, a summary of catholic faith guide to guide the church
Choose two women of the church discussed in unit 2 and describe the impact of their work
scholastica - founded a monastaries for nuns which made it easier to give nuns an education
St Catherine of Siena - called for Church reform and faithful practice of the sacraments
Summarize the outcomes of one of the Church councils discused in this unit
Council of Trent - proved against the protestant beliefs and made clear what our faith is truly about.