Ch 8 Flashcards
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church developed its New Testament of _____ books
The emperor Constantine built a great basilica over the tomb of _____ in Rome.
Saint Peter
A _____ is a belief or collection of beliefs that reject one or more of the revealed truths of the faith.
An _____ council is a council “of the whole world.”
The word _____ is another word for “covenant.”
The _____ claimed that Jesus was less than divine.
Who was the pope whose teaching that Jesus was one person with two natures, divine and human, was affirmed at the Council of Chalcedon?
Pope Leo the Great
In 325, to settle the dispute caused by the Arian heresy, the Emperor Constantine summoned all the bishops of the Church to a council in the city of _____.
Who was Emperor Constantine’s Christian mother
The Council of Chalcedon, in 451, is considered the _____ of the first four ecumenical councils.
In 313, the Emperor Constantine issued the _____ granting religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire
Edict of Milan
Some of the most important works of the Fathers of the Church were written to defend the truths of the faith against _____.
Who was the emperor who was responsible for the “Great Persecution?”
emperor Diocletian
Who was the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
Emperor Theodosius I
The _____ claimed that God’s revelation was available was available only as secret knowledge to a select few.
Who was the saint who translated the Bible into Latin from Hebrew and Greek?
Saint jerome
Who was the saint, a great preacher, whose name means “golden-mouthed?”
Saint John Chrysostom
The early Christians compiled for the Church the official list, or _____, of Sacred Scripture.
What is a creed?
A statement of Christian belief
Which ecumenical council had the task of writing a creed to express the full divinity and full humanity of Jesus?
Council in Nicaea
Studied and explained scripture
developed vocabulary terms with which to describe faith
One of the tasks facing the early Church was to ______
decide which sacred writings should be considered part of the Christian Bible
In the second century a scholar named _______ tried to convince the Church to exclude the Old Testament
What do the old testament books contain
God’s relationship with the people of Israel, laws and beliefs of the Israelites, history of Israel, God’s role in everyday life, and writing of the prophets
claimed that Jesus only pretended to be human and so didn’t really suffer on the cross.
claimed that the material world is evil and that is was created by an evil spirit
followers of marcion who rejected the old testament
claimed only saints can belong to the Church
claimed that Jesus was only divine thus not fully human
What is in the new testament?
story of Jesus, his mission, his first followers, and the beginnings of the Church
An _________ brings together bishops of the whole world with the bishop of Rome, the pope-successor of Peter- to guide the Church in matters of faith and life in Jesus Christ
ecumenical councils
Ecumenical councils are examples of
teaching power that the Apostles possessed and passed on to their successors throughout the ages