Ch 17 Flashcards
In march 2000 ___ made a historic visit to the Holy Land
pope john paul ii
in 1967 ____ issued a special justice encyclical called populorum progressio or On the development of Peoples
pope paul vi
when cardinal joseph ratzinger was elected pope in 2005 he took his name _______
pope benedict xvi
the reign of ____ was one of the shortest in church history only thirty three days
Pope john paul i
In his 1995 encyclical Evanelium Vitae, or the gospel of life pope john paul II wrote about the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. true or false?
the new catechism of the catholic church published in 1992 was one of pope paul vi’s greatest accomplishments. true or false?
false, pope john paul II
at world youth day 2005 in cologne germany pope john paul ii told the young people gathered there that true revolution consists in simply turning to god. true or false?
false, pope benedict xvi
in 2000 during the church’s jubilee year, pope benedict xvi visited israel
false pope john paul ii
the secret meeting in which the cardinals elect a new pope is called a
everywhere pope john paul ii went, he proclaimed the church’s mission of
_______ is the viewpoint that concepts such as right and wrong and truth and falsehood are not absolute but change from culture to culture situation to situation
to strengthen the faith of young people, pope john paul ii established the celebration of _____ in cities around the world
world youth day
pope john paul ii reached out especially to members of the ______ faith, whom he spoke of as our elder brothers in the faith
pope john paul i took his name in honor of the two popes who had preceded him, _________ and ________
john xxiii, paul vi
In 1986 pope john paul ii apointed a commission of twelve cardinals and bishops to preside over the writing of the new catechism of the catholic church. true or false
In 1967 pope paul vi issued a new encyclical called populorum progressio or on the development of peoples
pope john paul ii’s encyclicals laborem exercens, through work, and his 1991 encyclical centesimus annus, hundreth year, were issued to honor anniveraries of pope leo xiii 1891 encyclical rerum novarum. True or false
at his election in 1978, pope john paul ii became the first non ____ pope since the sixteenth century
pope ____ had one of the shortest reigns in church history only thrity three days
john paul i
in his 1998 encyclical fides et ratio, pope john paul ii wrote about the relationship between faith and ______
like pope john paul ii before him, pope benedict xvi urges catholics to stand up for truth in the face of today’s culture of ______
in the church’s jubilee year of 2000, pope john paul ii made a historic visit to _____
holy land
pope paul vi’s apostolic letter octogesima adveniens or eighteenth anniversary was issued to honor pope leo xiii’s great social justice encyclical ________
rerum novarum
before becoming a pope, cardinal joseph ratzinger gained an internation reputation as _______
a gifted theologian
Explain why 1978 is called the year of three popes
pope paul vi died and a conclave was held for john paul i but he died thrity three days later. So they elected pope john paul ii
Briefly describe two notable achievements of pope john paul ii
placed emphasis on human rights and religious freedom
established world youth day to strengthen faith of young people
Pope john paul ii established the world youth day celebration to strengthen young people’s ______
John paul ii repeatedly called catholics to stand up for what he termed the _______
culture of life
catholics were called to stand up for the culture of life in the face of modern _______
culture of death
Pope john paul ii called for _______ a mong all peoples including those in his homeland of poland
pope john paul ii helped to end communism in _____ and much of eastern europe
Pope benedict spoke at the world youth day celebration in 2005 in _______
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was the first pope from _______ and the jesuit order
south america