Unit 1.B Flashcards
What percent of earths water is in the oceans
Where is majority of freshwater located
Frozen in ice caps and glaciers
What percent of water is used for agricultural sectors
What is an aquifer
Water stored underground in sand and bedrock through which groundwater flows
What is a water table
The uppermost level at which water satuates the rock and soil
What is a recharge area
Supplies water to aquifer through infiltration and percolation of precipitation
What is the Ogallala aquifer
Largest aquifer in the U.S.
Beneath Great Plains
Removing excessive ground water can cause:
Cones of depression near the withdrawn well
Salt water intrusion near coastlines
Sink holes, land subsidence
What happens in Primary Treatment for waste water
Physical separation
Screening and grit removes most suspended solids
Primary clarifiers separate liquids and solids
Solids go to digestion and turn to sludge
What happens in Secondary Treatment for waste water
Anaerobic bacteria is used to digest the waste
Secondary clarifiers remove bacteria from liquids
What happens in Tertiary Treatment for waste water
Chemical and physical processes aimed at removing special pollutants
What happens in Disinfection for waste water
UV light or chlorine is used to kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses
After being treated, where does waste water go
Into local surface water or pumped into aquifers
What is industrial waste
Waste produced by mining, agriculture, etc providing us with goods and services
What is municipal solid waste (MSW)
Waste produced by homes and businesses
What are hazardous wastes
Wastes that are poisonous, chemically reactive, flammable, dangerous
What is the composition of MSW for the U.S.
- Paper
- Food wastes
- Plastic
Where does most trash in the U.S. go
What are open clump landfills
Fields and holes in the ground for trash
What are sanitary landfills
Spread MSW in layers, cover and compact with clay, dries trash, reduces leachate leakage
What are landfill issues
Anaerobic conditions slow decomposition rates
Anaerobic conditions produce methane which is flammable and a greenhouse gas
Where are most incinerators found
What are incinerators/waste-to-energy-burn plants
Burns trash to boil water and generate electricity
What are plastics
Variety of materials made of polymer-containing compounds