Unit 18 questions Flashcards
Special assessments for construction activity may be accounted for in a:
capital projects fund or other appropriate fund.
In governmental accounting, a fund is
- The basic accounting unit
- Used to assist in ensuring fiscal compliance
Both I and II.
Government financial reporting should provide information to assist users in which situation(s)?
Making social and political decisions
Assessing whether current-year citizens received services but shifted part of the payment burden to future-year citizens
A.I only.
B.II only.
C.Both I and II.
D.Neither I nor II.
Answer (C) is correct.
Interperiod equity is an important component of accountability that is fundamental to public administration. Financial resources received during a period should suffice to pay for the services during that period. Moreover, debt should be repaid during the probable period of usefulness of the assets required. Thus, financial reporting should help taxpayers assess whether future taxpayers will have to assume burdens for services already provided. Furthermore, governmental financial reporting also should assist users (e.g., the citizenry and legislative and oversight bodies) in making economic, political, and social decisions. For example, revenue forecasts may help advocates for increased expenditures for education or transportation.
The city accountant for a newly established municipality is setting up the new fund structure for the city’s accounting system. How many funds should the accountant establish for the city?
A.Two, a general fund and a special revenue fund as required by GAAP.
B.Two, a special revenue fund and a general fund as required by the city manager.
C.The minimum number of funds consistent with the needs of the city accountant.
D.The minimum number of funds consistent with legal requirements and sound financial administration.
Answer (D) is correct.
The diversity of governmental activities and the need for legal compliance require multiple accounting entities (funds). A fund is an independent, distinct fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. Items in a fund are segregated because they relate to activities or objectives that are subject to special regulations or limitations. A fund records (1) financial resources (including cash), (2) deferred outflows of resources, (3) liabilities, (4) deferred inflows of resources, (5) residual equities or balances, and (6) changes in them. No more than the number of funds required by law and efficient financial administration should be created. Creating unnecessary funds results in inefficiency, inflexibility, and excessive complexity.
The government-wide financial statements report purchased capital assets
A.In the general fixed assets account group.
B.At historical cost, including ancillary charges.
C.Only in the notes if they are donated.
D.At acquisition value.
Answer (B) is correct.
General capital assets are all capital assets not reported in the proprietary funds or the fiduciary funds. Purchased capital assets are reported at historical cost, including ancillary charges (e.g., for freight and site preparation) only in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position.
The following information pertains to Pine City’s general fund for Year 1:
Other financing sources
Other financing uses
After Pine City’s general fund accounts were closed at the end of Year 1, the fund balance increased by
Answer (B) is correct.
The change in the fund balance during the period is determined by the changes in the operating account balances. Appropriations is a budgetary control account, the balance of which usually does not change except when it is established and closed. Revenues of $8,000,000, plus other financing sources of $1,500,000, equal $9,500,000 of total credits. Thus, the increase in fund balance was $2,500,000 ($9,500,000 – $5,000,000 expenditures – $2,000,000 other financing uses).
Encumbrances outstanding at year end in a state’s general fund should be reported in a
A.Liability in the general fund.
B.Fund balance account in the general fund.
C.Liability in the general long-term debt account group.
D.Restricted fund balance classification.
Answer (B) is correct.
An encumbrance is recorded by debiting encumbrances and crediting encumbrances outstanding when a purchase order has been approved. Thus, funds are committed to be paid when the goods arrive and the invoice is received. When the liability is incurred, the encumbrance entry is reversed, expenditures is debited, and vouchers payable is credited. But if an encumbrance is outstanding at year end, it is not reported in the financial statements (but should be disclosed in the notes if significant). Instead, if encumbered amounts have not been restricted, committed, or assigned, fund balance is reclassified [debit unassigned fund balance, and credit fund balance – committed (or assigned)].
In a nonexchange transaction:
a government either gives or receives value without directly receiving or giving equal value in return.
Bond anticipation notes of governmental funds are reported only in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position if (1) all legal steps have been taken to refinance the notes and (2) the intent is supported by an ability to consummate the refinancing on a long-term basis. If these criteria are not met, the bond anticipation notes must be reported as a short-term liability in the fund in which the proceeds are recorded (as well as in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position).
Bond anticipation notes of governmental funds are reported only in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position if (1) all legal steps have been taken to refinance the notes and (2) the intent is supported by an ability to consummate the refinancing on a long-term basis. If these criteria are not met, the bond anticipation notes must be reported as a short-term liability in the fund in which the proceeds are recorded (as well as in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position).
The standards for reporting interfund activity classifies such activity as
Reciprocal and nonreciprocal.
Answer (D) is correct.
Interfund activity may be reciprocal or nonreciprocal. Reciprocal interfund activity is similar to exchange and exchange-like transactions, for example, interfund loans and services provided and used. Nonreciprocal interfund activity is similar to nonexchange transactions, for example, interfund transfers and reimbursements.
An internal service provided and used by a state or local government
Results in expenditures or expenses to buyer funds and revenues to seller funds.
Interfund services provided and used are reciprocal interfund activities. They are sales and purchases of goods and services at prices equivalent to external exchange values. Thus, they result in revenues to seller funds and expenditures or expenses to buyer funds. Unpaid amounts are interfund receivables or payables.
The enterprise fund is a proprietary fund. It reports transfers to other funds separately after nonoperating revenues and expenses in the fund statements. But only governmental funds report:
after financing uses (sources).
Under current GAAP, prepaid insurance may be reported under either: (
(1) the purchases method, in which an expenditure is reported when the policy is purchased, or (2) the consumption method, in which an expenditure is reported when the asset is consumed.
Lys City reports a general long-term compensated absences liability in its financial statements. The salary rate used to calculate the liability should normally be the rate in effect
At the balance sheet date.
The compensated absences liability should be calculated based on the pay or salary rates in effect at the balance sheet date. However, the employer might pay employees for their compensated absences at other than their pay or salary rates. For example, payment might be at a lower amount established by contract, regulation, or policy. That other rate determined at the balance sheet date should be used to calculate the liability.
Which capital assets must be depreciated in the government-wide financial statements?
All capitalized collections that are exhaustible.
Individual items or collections of works of art, historical treasures, and similar assets ordinarily must be capitalized. However, if a collection is (1) held in furtherance of public service and not for gain; (2) protected, preserved, cared for, and kept unencumbered; and (3) subject to a policy that sale proceeds are to be used to obtain other collection items, capitalization is not required. If capitalized collections or individual items are exhaustible, for example, because their useful lives are reduced by display, educational, or research uses, they must be depreciated.
Capital assets are depreciated over their estimated useful lives unless they are either:
(1) inexhaustible (e.g., land and land improvements) or (2) infrastructure assets qualifying for special treatment. Depreciation expense is reported in (1) the government-wide statement of activities, (2) the proprietary funds (enterprise and internal service funds), and (3) the fiduciary funds. It is not reported in a governmental fund.
eneral capital assets that are acquired by capital lease are recorded in the same manner as those acquired by outright purchase. The asset is reported only in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position. It is measured in accordance with nongovernmental GAAP. In the general fund, when a capital lease represents the acquisition of a general capital asset, the transaction is reported by debiting an expenditure and crediting an other financing sources – capital lease at the present value of the minimum lease payments ($75,000 annual principal repayment × 3 years = $225,000)
eneral capital assets that are acquired by capital lease are recorded in the same manner as those acquired by outright purchase. The asset is reported only in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position. It is measured in accordance with nongovernmental GAAP. In the general fund, when a capital lease represents the acquisition of a general capital asset, the transaction is reported by debiting an expenditure and crediting an other financing sources – capital lease at the present value of the minimum lease payments ($75,000 annual principal repayment × 3 years = $225,000)
Which of the following capital assets are least likely to be considered infrastructure assets of a state or local government?
B.Sewer systems.
D.Lighting systems.
Answer (A) is correct.
Infrastructure assets are capital assets that normally are stationary and can be preserved for a longer time than most capital assets, e.g., roads, bridges, water and sewer systems, drainage systems, and lighting systems. However, buildings, other than those that are ancillary parts of a network of infrastructure assets, are not deemed to be infrastructure assets.
When a capital lease of a governmental unit represents the acquisition of a general capital asset, the acquisition should be reflected as
Both an expenditure and an other financing source.
General capital assets that are acquired by capital lease are recorded in the same manner as capital assets acquired by outright purchase. The principal amount of the lease is initially debited as an expenditure, and other financing sources – capital lease is credited.
the leased computer should be capitalized as a general capital asset at the lesser of :
(1) the present value of the minimum lease payments ($5,120 based on the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate, which is less than the rate implicit in the lease) or (2) the fair value of the leased property ($5,000) at the inception of the lease.
Nack City received a donation of a valuable painting. Nack planned to add the painting to its collection and display it in the protected exhibition area of city hall. Nack had a policy that if such donated art works were sold, the proceeds would be used to acquire other items for its collections. Which of the following would be correct regarding the donated painting?
A.Must be capitalized and depreciated.
B.Must be capitalized but not depreciated.
C.May be capitalized, but it is not required, and it must be depreciated.
D.May be capitalized, but it is not required, and depreciation is not required.
Individual items or collections of works of art, historical treasures, and similar assets ordinarily must be capitalized. However, if a collection is (1) held in furtherance of public service and not for gain; (2) protected, preserved, cared for, and kept unencumbered; and (3) subject to a policy that sale proceeds are to be used to obtain other collection items, capitalization is not required. If capitalized collections or individual items are exhaustible, for example, because their useful lives are reduced by display, educational, or research uses, they must be depreciated.
The government-wide financial statements of the reporting entity of a state or local governmental unit include information about which of the following?
The primary government
Discretely presented component units
Blended component units
A.I only.
B.I and II only.
C.I and III only.
D.I, II, and III.
Answer (D) is correct.
The financial statements of the reporting entity should distinguish between the primary government and its component units in a way that does not suggest that they are one legal entity. For this purpose, the government-wide financial statements should report information about most discretely presented component units. Discrete presentation also includes reporting of major component unit information in the basic statements. Furthermore, some component units are, in substance, the same as the primary government and should be reported as a part of it. Blending is appropriate only if the component unit’s governing body is substantively the same as the primary government’s, or the component unit exclusively or almost exclusively benefits the primary government. Moreover, the primary government must have (1) a financial benefit or burden relationship with the component or (2) operational responsibility for its activities.
A state or local government that prepares a statistical section should
A.Report information about the entity’s ability to produce its own revenues but not shared revenues and intergovernmental aid.
B.Exclude information about discretely presented component units.
C.Present the information in a stand-alone document.
D.Include 5-year trend information in all categories.
Answer (A) is correct.
The statistical section presents information about financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic factors, and operations. Revenue capacity relates to an entity’s ability to produce own-source revenues (e.g., taxes but not shared revenues). Subcategories are (1) the revenue base (including the total direct rate applied), (2) revenue rates, (3) principal revenue payers for a 10-year period, and (4) property tax levies and collections.
Budgetary comparison schedules must
A.Be reported for the general fund.
B.Be presented instead of budgetary comparison statements included in the basic statements.
C.Convert the appropriated budget information to the GAAP basis for comparison with actual amounts reported on that basis.
D.Compare only the final appropriated budget with actual amounts.
Answer (A) is correct.
Certain information must be presented as RSI in addition to MD&A. Budgetary comparison schedules must be reported only for the general fund and each major special revenue fund with a legally adopted annual budget. A schedule includes (1) the first complete appropriated budgets; (2) the final appropriated budgets; and (3) the actual inflows, outflows, and balances stated on the budgetary basis of accounting.
MD&A is required supplementary information. It is analysis of financial activities based on (1) currently known facts, (2) decisions, or (3) conditions expected to affect significantly financial position or results of operations. MD&A compares the current and prior years, with an emphasis on the current year, based on government-wide information. The focus is on the primary government.
MD&A is required supplementary information. It is analysis of financial activities based on (1) currently known facts, (2) decisions, or (3) conditions expected to affect significantly financial position or results of operations. MD&A compares the current and prior years, with an emphasis on the current year, based on government-wide information. The focus is on the primary government.
Which of the following activities should be excluded when governmental fund financial statements are converted to government-wide financial statements?
A.Proprietary activities.
B.Fiduciary activities.
C.Government activities.
D.Enterprise activities.
Answer (B) is correct.
Fiduciary funds account for resources held by the government in trust or as an agent for (1) specific individuals, (2) private organizations, or (3) other governments. These resources are not available to finance the government’s programs. Consequently, they are reported only in the fund statements (statements of fiduciary net position and changes in fiduciary net position).
The focus of certain fund financial statements of a local government is on major funds. Accordingly,
A.Major internal service funds must be presented separately in the statement of net position for proprietary funds.
B.The main operating fund is always reported as a major fund.
C.Combining statements for nonmajor funds are required.
D.Enterprise funds not meeting the quantitative criteria are not eligible for presentation as major funds.
Answer (B) is correct.
The focus of reporting of governmental and proprietary funds (but not internal service funds) is on major funds. The main operating fund (e.g., the general fund) is always reported as a major fund, and any governmental or enterprise funds believed to be particularly important to users also may be reported in this way. These funds must be reported as major if they meet the quantitative thresholds.
The measurement focus of the governmental funds of a state or local governmental entity is on the determination of
Changes inFinancial Position
Financial Position
A government must provide a summary reconciliation to the government-wide statements at the bottom of the fund statements or in a schedule. Brief explanations on the face of the statements may suffice, but a more detailed explanation in the notes may be necessary.
A government must provide a summary reconciliation to the government-wide statements at the bottom of the fund statements or in a schedule. Brief explanations on the face of the statements may suffice, but a more detailed explanation in the notes may be necessary.
Fact Pattern: On June 30, Year 4, ORCA, a nongovernmental not-for-profit entity (NFP), received a building and the land on which it was constructed as a gift from Tyler Corporation. The building is intended to support the entity’s education and training mission or any other purpose consistent with the entity’s mission. Immediately prior to the contribution, the fair values of the building and land had been appraised as $350,000 and $150,000, respectively. Carrying amounts on Tyler’s books at June 30, Year 4, were $290,000 and $75,000, respectively.
Question: 74Tyler Corporation should record its contribution of the building and land as a
A.$365,000 reduction in contributed capital.
B.$500,000 reduction in contributed capital.
C.$365,000 expense.
D.$500,000 expense.
Answer (D) is correct.
Contributions made should be recognized as expenses in the period made. They should be measured at the fair value of the assets contributed.
Following the destruction of its house of worship by fire, a religious organization held a rebuilding party. Part of the labor was donated by professional carpenters. The remainder was donated by members of the organization. Recognition is required for the value of the services provided by
A.The professional carpenters only.
B.The members only.
C.The professional carpenters and the members.
D.Neither the professional carpenters nor the members.
Answer (C) is correct.
Contributions of services by the professional carpenters should be recognized. The contributions of services requiring specialized skills, such as those of carpenters, electricians, etc., should be recognized if they are provided by individuals possessing those skills and would typically need to be purchased if not provided by donation. Moreover, donated services creating or enhancing nonfinancial assets must be recognized even though specialized skills are not involved. Because the members’ labor helped rebuild the church, their contributions of services also should be recognized.