Unit 10 - Peace and conflict Flashcards
When did WW2 begin and how?
WW2 started in 1919, at the end of ww1 and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Article 231 was intended to hold Germany accountable for the war. It stated that all damage done in WW1 was Germany’s responsibility
What economic crisis did Germany face after its first payment in 1922 and what followed?
Hyperinflation began happening in Germany and due to the Great depression, its economy crippled. It owed a great debt of $33 billion to allied powers
What conspiracy theory did Hitler promote to blame Jews for Germany’s problems?
The Judeo Bolshevism conspiracy theory and how Jews were the reasons germany lost ww1
What did Hitler do to revolt against the Treaty of Versaille?
The treaty made sure that Germany couldnt have its own idependant army, But hitler made his own Airforce - Luftwafe which shows disrespect against the treaty.
What was the purpose of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement signed in 1935?
It allowed Germany to have its own independent navy
What were the first main Invasions of Hitler and significane
- In 1938, he invaded Austria
- Then he invaded Czechoslovakia, violating the Munich Agreement
- Finally in 1939, despite an ultimatum from France and Britain, He invaded Poland - Officially begining the war
What military strategy did Hitler use and what was it??
Blitzkrieg. It used surprise attacks with heavy firepower and air support. It was highly effective due to speed and overwhelming force. To maintain Soldiers speed and stamina, they were fed crystal meth
Where did hitler conquer after austria, czekoslovakia and poland?
Norway and Denmark
Why did Chamberlain resign, who was the new prim eminister and what hapened on the same day as the apointment of the new prime minister?
Chamberlain resigned due to inability to stop germany from invading its allies. Winston churchill was assigned and on the day of his apointment, Hitler launched an all out attack at France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Known as the Battle of France
Who won the battle of france
Allied forces were succumbed in one corner on france - in dunrkik whihc meant that Hitler won and now ruled over austria, poland, czeckoslovakia, france, belgium and luxembourg.
What was operation dyanamo
A massive evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk in 1940, saving 3.5 lakh soldiers but leaving military equipment behind, leading to the fall of France.
What was Operation Sea Lion?
After USSR and Nazis signed a peace treaty, Hitler wante dto conquer the only reaming threat to him - Britain. Hitler’s plan to invade England was called Operation Sea lion but it failed as on the Battle of Britain was historically won by Britain and is regarded as Hitler’s first loss in ww2
What did hitler do after loss in Battle of Britain
aimed to capture USSR to have control over majority of the world. But he failed as USSR joined forces with the Allied troops and due to harsh weather conditons, hitler failed to capture USSR
What battle is known as the deadliest battle of WW2?
The Battle of Stalingrad, Fight between USSR and Nazi to take control over Iran and to capture one another. Soviets won this in Feb 1943
What was US doing simulteiously during the time of Battle of Stalingrad
Attacking Japan’s harbour in the Battle of Midway as a response to the bombings of Pearl Harbour
What major event occurred on 6th June 1944?
D-Day, the Allied invasion of France to fight Germany on Land to free France
What was the Battle of the Bulge and why did it happen?
Hitler was facing pressure from the allied forces espacially after the success of D-Day. This battle was Hitler’s last offensive to push back the Allied forces but it eventually failed and Berlin was surrounded by Allied trrops
When did Hitler commit suicide?
30th April 1945
What was the Ultimatum of 1945 against Japan about?
2 months after Hitler’s death, Japan empire was still active and waging war on USSR and other parts of Asia. The allied forces gave an ultimatum to Japan to stop the war but Japan ignored it. Resulting in the dropping of ht eatomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Aug 1945
What was formed in Europe after WW2 to rebuild connections?
A trade network of coal and steel amongst all major european nations
Treaties during ww2
The Treaty of Versailles (1919) was harsh on Germany, leading to economic distress and political instability, indirectly contributing to World War II. Agreements like the Munich Agreement (1938) aimed to appease Germany failed as they were seen as unfair by Germany. Other treaties which beenfitted in the stopping of the war included the Yalta Agreement which brought many more nations to the allied forces
How many people were killed during ww2
50 - 85 million people
Short term impacts of world war 2
Death of humans
Economic crisis due to excess spending on military acros Europe and Asia
Displacement of people
Division of Germany
Long term impacts of world war 2
Cold war and tensions between capatalism and communism
Decolonisation of colonies occupied by Britain
Formation of United Nation in 1945 and European Union in 1993
Strengthing country relations such as US and western europe with Marhsall plan
Legacy of World War II
World War II reshaped global politics, leading to the Cold War and the emergence of the US and USSR as superpowers. It also laid the foundation for international cooperation through the United Nations and European Union, shaping modern geopolitics. Many nventions that we use today are also a product of ww2 such as Computers, Super Glue and Microwave/Oven
Peace Keeping agreements post ww2
Formation of UN - Protect Human rights and prevent another world war
Formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact - to protect miliatry prowess and economic stability of its member states
Marshall Plan by US helped revitalse the economy of western Europe
A political system with concentrated power and limited individual freedoms and supression of any form of political opression
A system where the state controls all aspects of life, using propaganda and surveillance to maintain power such as Hitler’s Germany
An extreme nationalist ideology with dictatorial power, suppression of races, and emphasis on obidience to dictator
Authrotarinism in Japan during ww2
After its industrilisation, Japanese militarism laid the groundwork for a state centered authrotarian empire. It wanted to compete with western powers and was evidence with the invasion of Manchuria. It was part of the Axis powers and Germany during ww2
How was Manchuria invaded by Japan
by blaming Chinese nationalists for a destroyed railway in Japan and then attacking Manchuria. The remaining part of Manchuria later surrendered to Japan
Mussolini and Facist Italy
Italy’s gov was overthrown and Dictator Musollini was appointed. He promoted a nationalist ideology called facism. He allied with Hitlers Nationalist policy alongside his facism to be a part of the Axis powers.
Why did Italy leave the allied forces
It didnt get enough from profits of the WW1 and hence finally Mussolini came into power as the saviour and signed the Pact of Steel with germany to promote communism and make Italy great like again like the times of the Roman Empire
Impact of ww2 in medicine and Healthcare
- Feils of surgery got really advanced with surgeons using plastic surgery for the first time to help restore lot parts of skin
- Development of vaccines against Typhoid, Tuberculosis and Small pox
- Found cure for deadly diseases such as malaria
- invention of vitamin supplements
- Extensive use of ambulance and on-air aid
- Creation of WHO
Impact of ww2 on Miliatry tech
- development of weapons used by infantry, navy and airforce
- invention of first machine guns that can be fired from a distance
- Saw the usage of tanks, sircrafts and submarines
- First time when poisonous gas was used
- Radar and Computers were invented and became very advances
- Invention of greatest weapon - Atomic bomb
Impact of ww2 in terms of Role of Women
- Men were out on war and hence women became breadwinners of family because increase in number of women in factories and agriculture
- more women became nurses
- USSR and US even allowed women to be part of army
- Other women such as Flora Sandes disguised themselves as men to fight in war
- Women got granted voting rights and the second wave of feminism also grew during this time
Impact of ww2 on International orgs
- First idea of collective secruity was made through the League of Nations
- But that failed as they didnt have proper anti-war mechanisms and they were more focused on protecting economic interests of european nations
- A better version in the form of UN and its comittees was made post ww2
Impact of ww2 on Human rights
- A lot of atrocities was comited with human in ww2 in the form of Concentration camps and massive deaths
- Discrimination in hte form of disenfranchisement against blacks also continued in US
- Hence post ww2., we saw the development of the UN charter (inspired by the magna carta) and the invention of the United Nations Declreation of Human rights
- Bills against racial segreation in US and the civil rights movement also happened