Unit 10 Flashcards
During what time frame of gestation does the heart develop?
- 1 to 4 weeks
During what time frame of gestation does the atria and ventricular septum begin to divide the heart?
-5 weeks
What time frame of gestation do you begin to hear heart sounds?
-8 to 10 weeks
What shunts the blood away from the the pulmonary system in a fetus?
-the foramen ovale
During what time frame of gestation do the lung buds begin to develop?
-22 to 26 days
At what point during gestation do type II alveolar cells begin to produce surfactant?
-23 weeks
During what time frame do the lung have enough surfactant to be sufficient for breathing after birth?
-36 to 38 weeks
How does a new born breath?
-diaphragmatic nose breather
By 12 months of age, what does the child develop to assist them in breathing?
-use of intercostals, abdominals and other accesory muscles
What causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome?
-babies being born premature and not having enough surfactant
What are some signs and symptoms of Respiratory Distress Syndrome?
-rapid/shallow breathing, inflaring of the soft tissue, grunting sounds, flaring of the nostrils
What causes Bronchopulmonary displasia?
-chronic inflammation and destruction of airways, lung parenchyma and alveolar membranes
What does bronchopulmonary dysplasia result in?
What treatment of RDS causes BPD?
-O2 supplementation, CPAP or ventilation
What effects for BPD have on the heart?
-It causes the RV to have to work harder to pump blood through the pulmonary system and cause RV hypertrophy and can lead to failure
Why does BPD impair growth?
-Breathing becomes inefficient and consumes more calories
What is the pathophysiology of COPD?
-an absent or failed chloride ion channel which causes increased sodium absorption (pulls more water into cells leaving mucous more viscous)
What gender does CF affect more?
-NEITHER (it affects them the same)
What other systems besides the respiratory system does CF effect?
-GI, Hepatic and Male Reproductive
What is the average life span of someone with CF?
-20 to 30 years
CF is one of the leading causes of what?
Why do older people with CF cough up blood?
-CF thins the alveolar walls
What causes the foramen ovale to close after birth?
-A pressure shift from the LV to RV
What causes an atrial septal defect?
-Failure of the Foramen ovale to close
When does surgery to correct ASD take place?
-between 2 and 3 years old
How does Ventricular Septal Defect impair the pulmonary system?
-blood flows back into the RV increasing the pressure going to the pulmonary system, leading to leakage of fluid into the lungs
Many times a VSD will resolve on its own, but if surgery is required, when is it performed?
-between 5 and 7 years
What 4 conditions make up the Tetrology of Fallot?
-VSD, Pulmonary Stenosis, Overriding aorta, RV hypertrophy
What are the S&S of tetrology of fallot?
-clubbing of fingers, cyanosis, difficulty feeding, failure to gain weight, passing our, poor development
what does tetrology of fallot normally present with?
-A heart murmu
What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome?
-a smell left ventricle and or mitral and aortic atresia (no valves)
What does a heart transplant lead to and how does it affect HR?
-It leads to a denervated heart, cannot use HR to exericise testing.. must use RPE
What is primary Prevention?
-eliminating health problems for at risk population by providing health promotion
What is secondary prevention?
-Reducing the severity, duration and number of health outcomes by early diagnosis of the target condition, and providing effective intervention
What is tertiary prevention?
-Reducing the impact of disability through rehabilitation
Of the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity that is recommended for children a day, what type of activity should make up the most of it?
-aerobic activity (60%)
What criterion referenced physical fitness outcome measure can be adapted to those with disabilities?
-The brockport physical fitness test
What must you screen for before starting an exercise program for a child with disabilities?
What should you use as a HRMax for a child with CP?