Unit 1 Words (Staff development and training) Flashcards
a bonus scheme
ein Bonusschema
a bonus = an amount (Menge) of money given to an employee in addition to their salary (Gehalt) as a reward (Belohnung) for working well
a high salary
ein hohes Gehalt
an in-house training scheme
ein In-Haus-Trainigsprogramm
the opportunity to travel
die Möglichkeit zu reisen
a permanent contract
ein unbefristeter Vertrag
long holidays
lange Ferien
rapid promotion
schnelle Beförderung
flexible working hours
flexible Arbeitszeiten
team-building activities
Team-Building Aktivitäten
parties and excursions
Feier und Ausflug
company car
childcare facilities
company gym
cafeteria with cheap meals
vouchers / coupons for various services
Gutscheine / Coupons für verschiedene Dienste
free snacks
freie Snacks
reduced fares for public transport
ermäßigte Tarife für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
to gain skills
Fähigkeiten erlangen
to join a company
einer Firma beitreten
to cover specific topics
verschiedene Themen abdecken
to attend a course / seminar / meeting
einen Kurs besuchen
something is provided at no cost to you
etwas wird für Sie kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt
to have a consistent record of doing something
eine beständige Aufzeichnung über etwas haben
to keep something that way
etwas so behalten
something is backed up by specialist project work
etwas wird durch spezielle Projektarbeit unterstützt
to cultivate personal and career development
um persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung zu fördern
to take / fail / pass an exam
ablegen / nicht bestehen / bestehen an exam
to attend school / university / a seminar / a course / a meeting =//= to visit a museum / a friend
besuchen =//= besuchen
to graduate from school / university
die Schule / Universität absolvieren
to get a certificate for something / a degree in something
ein Zertifikat bekommen / ein Abschluss in etwas
to gain experience / knowledge / skills
um Erfahrung / Wissen / Fertigkeiten zu sammeln
additional qualifications
work (uncountable) / job (countable)
die Arbeit / der Job
training (uncountable) / training course (countable)
Trainig / Kurs
an applicant
to apply for a job / a job application
für einen Job bewerben / eine Jobbewerbung
letter of application
to do an intership / to be an intern at a company
Praktikum / Praktikant
to do an apprenticeship / to be an apprentice / trainee
Lehre / Lehrling
to train as an office clerk
Ausbildung zum Bürokaufmann
additional value
to study at the University of Applied Siences
auf der Universität für angewandte Wissenschaften studieren
extra-occupational studies
berufsbegleitend studieren
to meet someone’s needs
die Bedürfnisse von jemandem zu erfüllen
tailor made
= especially designed and made for a particular (spezielle) person, organisation of purpose (Zweck)
learning goals
= your objectives when doing a course
training budget
= money reserved for training staff
hands-on training
praktisches Training
= practical, not theoretical, training
computer literate
= able to use a computer
core skills
= basic, essential skills
dedicated facilities
zugehörige Anlage
= buildings and equipment provided (vorgesehen) for a particular purpose
material incentives
materielle Anreize
= something, especially money, that encourages (ermuntert) a person to do something
= people who try to persuade someone to leave their job by offering them another job with more pay and a higher position
corporate culture
= the beliefs and ideas that a company has and the way in which they affect (beeinflussen) how it does business and how its employees behave
commitment / to be comitted (to a company)
Engagement / angagiert sein
= when you are loyal and willing to give your time and energy to do something that you believe in
to do work / do overtime
= time spent working beyond the usual time needed or expected in a job
to take on new employees
neue Mitarbeiter einstellen
= to employ new staff
to gain
gewinnen, erlangen, bekommen
something you do to earn money
used to talk about a particular type of work activity which you do
the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
training course
a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject
engagiert, hingebungsvoll
= used only for one particular purpose or job
earn an award
to be given money or a prize following an official decision
goal setting
= the process of deciding hat you want to achieve or what you want someone else to achieve over a particular period
learning goal
= an aim (Ziel) or purpose (Zweck) that you intend to achieve by study
= a set of actions which is the usual or official way of doing something
= the combination of all the qualities that are connected with trainied and skilled people
promote from within
fördern von innen heraus
= to raise someone who already belongs to an organisation to a higher or more important position or rank within that organisation
= a statement oh how much a job, service, or product will cost
= the act of praising or rewarding someone for something they have done
Supervisor, Aufsicht
= a person who is in charge (verantwortlich) of a group of people or an area of work and who makes sure that the work ist done corectly and according to the rules
take on
to employ someone