Unit 1 - Sensory Organs Flashcards
From which of the following layers of the developing embryo do the eyes develop?
more than one
none of these
ANSWER: ectoderm
Binocular Vision
gives better depth perception
During embryonic development, the first portion of the ear to develop is the
internal ear
The olfactory tract
projects directly to the primary olfactory cortex and to the limbic system and hypothalamus
which is the correct order in the flow of tears ?
lacrimal gland, lacrimal duct, superior or inferior lacrimal canal, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct, nasal cavity.
which structure regulates the amount of light entering the eyeball through the pupil ?
which of these types of receptors listed below is primarily used for detecting light rays under bright light conditions?
infection of a sebaceous ciliary gland can result in
a sty
which of the following statements accurately describes the changes in the membrane potential of a photoreceptor cell when light rays strike its photopigments ?
the photoreceptor cell undergoes hyperpolarization
which of the following nerves conducts impulses associated with the sense of gustation ?
which of the following structures carries action potentials generated by sound transduction?
vestibulocochlear nerve
Adaptation of the olfactory sense to the continued presentation of an odorant
Occurs rapidly
Olfactory receptors are found
Only in the superior portion of the nasal cavity
How many days after fertilization do the ears begin to develop?
The axons of the ganglion neurons of the retina terminate the
Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus
What structure vibrates back and forth when sound waves strike it?
Tympanic membrane
The vestibular nuclei of the brain stem that control equilibrium receives sensory information from all the following areas EXCEPT the
Nociceptors in the distal limbs
Which of the following are structures of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear that are involved in dynamic and static equilibrium?
Vestibule, saccule, cochlear duct, semicircular ducts (answer, more than one of these is correct)
Which of the following structures obtains otoliths (ear stones)?
Macula of the saccule
What lies between the lens and the retina?
Vitreous chamber
This is a thin mucous membrane that protects the inner aspect of the eyelids and the portion of the sclera covering the anterior surface of the eyeball.
Which layer of dense connective tissue serves to protect the inner parts of the eyeball?
Nerve impulses for the sense of hearing are initiated in the spiral organ (organ of Corti) and then travel through the _____ to the _____.
Cochlear branch of the cranial nerve VIII; medulla oblongata
During embryonic development, the lens of the eye develops directly from an invagination of the lens placodes called the
Lens vesicle
Which of the following structures senses change in rotational acceleration of the head in order to help maintain dynamic equilibrium?
Semicircular canals
The lens is made of layers of proteins called
Which of the following molecules is capable of detecting light rays that strike the photopigments in the retina?
These receptor cells provide for the sense of taste.
Gustatory cells
Which of the following types of papillae do NOT contain taste buds?
The smell receptors that actually bind the odorants and begin signal transduction are located on
Olfactory hairs
H which of the following is the transparent layer on the anterior of the eyeball through which the iris can be observed?
Cataracts lead to blindness due to
Loss of transparency of the lens.
Presbycusis refers to age-associated
Progressive loss of hearing in both ears.
During embryonic development, the middle ear develops from a structure called the first
Pharyngeal pouch
Which sensory structure in the inner ear is capable of sensing rapid rotation of your head to the left?
Crista of a semicircular duct
During embryonic development, the external ear develops from a structure called the first
Pharyngeal cleft
Which darkly pigmented structure reduces light reflection within the eyeballs?
How many extrinsic eye muscles are responsible for moving each eye?
Taste buds are found on
The epiglottis, the pharynx, the soft palate (all of these choices)
How many days after fertilization do the eyes begin to develop?
Which of the structures listed below converts vibrations in the endolymph into action potentials?
Organ of corti
Which is NOT considered an accessory structure of the eye?
The first step in the visual transduction process that occurs in the retina is
Absorption of light by photopigments
Which of the following is the space between the upper and lower eyelids?
Palpebral fissure
as sound levels increase in the spiral organ of corti,
Outer hair cells stiffen the basilar membrane
Select the correct statement about olfaction
Some of the sensation of olfaction is actually one of pain
Dark adaptation _____.
Involves accumulation of rhodopsin
Olfactory cells and taste buds are normally stimulated by _______.
Substances in solution
The tarsal plate of the eyelid _______.
Is connected to the levator palpebrae
Select the correct statement about equilibrium.
Cristae respond to angular acceleration and deceleration
Which layer of dense connective tissue serves to protect the inner parts of the eyeball?
Which of the following structures carries action potentials generated by sound transduction?
Vestibulocochlear nerve