Unit 1: Review Flashcards
What type of force crushes tissues?
What type of injuries to compression forces usally cause?
If you hear a snap of a bone during an arm wrestle what may that indicate?
spiral fracture
What is microtrauma
chronic, repetitivly
What happens if a force exeds a tissues elastic limit; aslo known as the —
The yeild point.
(After that plastic changes occur. which is perminate changes)
Where are injuries to the ….(20:00)
mid– tendon;
or musculotendonis junction
complete fracture; little movement; no movement
closed fracture
growth plate injuries occur during the age of ___
children and adolsents
avolusion fracture
bone pulled away
March frauture
Is a stress fracture in the foot
Where could you get a stress fracture?
Tibia–becuase the neck of the femur can cause repetitive stress
Scapula—weight lifting with too heavy of a load
In the feet
Burning, tingaling in arm after tackel. How would that effect them?
pinching in the opposite direction
Pain away in the sight of the injury
reffered pain
What is discoloration? swelling
whats an example of a ijury from a sherring force?
Blisters and abrasions
Muscles are guarding?
muscle guarding; protect area from trauma
spasms vs a cramp
Cramp—Painful, involuntary
- electrolight imbalance
- dehytradion
Spasms—reflex reactions
What causes or indicate a jump sign?
Active trigger point