Unit 1 Quiz 1 Flashcards
everything around us living and non living
Environmental Science
study of how humans interact w the environment
3 goals of environmental science
- Learn how earth has survived/thrived
- Get how we interact w environment
- Find ways to deal w environmental problems
social movement dedicated to protect earths life-support systems for all forms of life
Principles of Sustainability
- Dependence on solar energy
- Biodiversity
- Chemical Cycling
rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation and non-renewable resource depletion
Natural resources
inexhaustible, renewable, nonrenewable
Natural services
processes provided by healthy ecosystems
What degrades natural capital?
overuse, pollution, wastes
scientific solutions, economic, political
anything we can attain from environment that meets wants and needs
Inexhaustible resource
continuous supply: solar energy
Renewable resources
can be replenished if we don’t use more than its sustainable yield
Ex: forests, grasslands, fish, etc
fixed amount: oil, coal, metallic/ nonmetallic resources
Priorities for more sustainable use of nonrenewable resources
Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle
More developed countries
more industrialized, high income, longer life, more education, etc
Less-developed countries
Not as industrialized, lower income, shorter life, less education, etc
Environmental degradation
living unsustainably by wasting, depleting, degrading resources
chemical, noise, heat
ecological footprint
Impact of person or community on environment
Per capita ecological footprint
average for country or area
pop x affluence x technology