Apes 2nd Nine Weeks EC Flashcards
Nuclear Fission
nuclei of isotopes split apart when struck by neutrons
Nuclear Fusion
2 isotopes of light elements (H) forced together at high temperatures till they fuse to form a heavier nucleus. Expensive, break even point not reached yet
a rock that contains a large enough concentration of a mineral making it profitable to mine
organic, dark material remaining after decomposition by microorganisms
removal of dissolved materials from soil by water moving downwards
deposit of leached material in lower soil layers (B)
perfect agricultural soil with equal portions of sand, silt, clay
allows the use of resources in a responsible manner
setting aside areas & protecting them from human activities
any water bearing layer in the ground
Cone of depression
lowering of the water table around a pumping well
Salt water intrusion
near the coast, over-pumping of groundwater causes saltwater to move into the aquifer
El Nino Southern Oscillation, see-sawing of air pressure over the S. Pacific
During an El Nino year
trade winds weaken & warm water sloshed back to SA
During a Non El Nino year
Easterly trade winds and ocean currents pool warm water in the western Pacific, allowing upwelling of nutrient rich water off the West coast of South America
Effects of El Nino
upwelling decreases disrupting food chains, N US has mild winters, SW US has increased rainfall, less Atlantic Hurricanes
Nitrogen fixation
because atmospheric N cannot be used directly by plants it must first be converted into ammonia by bacteria
decomposers covert organic waste into ammonia
ammonia is converted to nitrate ions (NO-3)
inorganic N is converted into organic molecules such as DNA/amino acids & proteins
bacteria convert ammonia back into N
Largest reservoirs of C
carbonate rocks first, oceans second
(good>disinfection of water)( bad>forms trihalomethanes)
using waste heat to make electricity
symbiotic relationship where both partners benefit
symbiotic relationship where one partner benefits & the other is unaffected
relationship in which one partner obtains nutrients at the expense of the host
Carrying capacity
the number of individuals that can be sustained in an area
R strategist
reproduce early, many small unprotected offspring
K strategist
reproduce late, few, cared for offspring
Positive feedback
when a change in some condition triggers a response that intensifies the changing condition (EX: warmner Earth - snow melts - less sunlight is reflected & more is absorbed, therefore warmer earth)
Natural selection
organisms that possess favorable adaptations pass them onto the next generation
Doubling time
rule of 70; 70 divided by the percent growth rate
Salinazation of soil
in arid regions, water evaporates leaving salts behind
biological oxygen demand, amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic
decomposers to break down organic materials
Minamata Disease
mental impairments caused by mercury
Photochemical smog
formed by chemical reactions involving sunlight (NO, VOC, O)
Acid deposition
caused by sulfuric and nitric acids resulting in lowered pH of surface waters
Greenhouse gases
Examples: H2O, CO2, O3, methane (CH4), CFC’s EFFECT: they trap outgoing infrared (heat) energy causing earth to warm
Ozone depletion caused by
CFC’s, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, halon, methyl bromide all of which attack stratospheric ozone
Love Canal, NY
chemicals buried in old canal and school & homes built over it causing birth defects & cancer
Municipal solid waste is mostly
paper and most is landfilled
Sanitary landfill problems and solutions
(leachate, liner with collection system) (methane gas, collect gas and burn) (volume of garbage, compact & reduce)
Keystone species
species whose role in an ecosystem are more important than others, ex sea otter
Indicator species
species that serve as early warnings that an ecosystem is being damaged (ex trout)
Petroleum forms from
microscopic aquatic organisms in sediments converted by heat & pressure into a mixture of hydrocarbons
Steps in coal formation
peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
Two most serious nuclear accidents
(Chernobyl,Ukraine) (Three Mile Island, PA)
Endangered species
North spotted Owl (loss of old growth forest), Bald Eagle (thinning of eggs caused by DDT), Piping Plover (nesting areas threatened by development)
Volcanoes and Earthquakes occur
at plate boundaries (divergent, spreading, midocean ridges) (convergent, trenches) (transform, sliding, San Andreas)