Unit 1- Floods Flashcards
Where is water stored?
-Ground surface
What is infiltration?
Water flows into soil
What is throughflow?
Water flows in soil underground due to gravuty
What is overland flow/surface run-off?
water flowing on surface
Wha is groundwater flow?
Water flowing in bedrock
What is precolation?
Water flows deeper into soil/ to bedrock
What is interception?
Water stopped/slowed by branches/canopy
What is a flash flood?
-High rainfall in short time
-sudden rise in water levels
What does a hydrograph show?
-River discharge over a period of a flood
What is the tall/steep line and the gradual decrease line on a hydrograph called?
-Rising limb
-Falling limb
What cuases the lag time?
-Slow water movement into river
Why do rivers flood (human)?
-Urbanisation (impermeable surfaces)
-Frozen or baked soil (impermeable)
-Afforestation (decreases lag time)
What is Soft engineering?
- Natural appraoch to maintenance
- Does not include artificial builings
- Often cheaper
Soft engineering for rivers?
River restoration
Flood plain zoning
Do nothing
What is Hard engineering?
-Artificial builing
-Often more expensive
-Often better results