Unit #1 Core Concepts Flashcards
A system of government where one person holds absolute power
A system of government where the people hold power
A mixed or unstable form of government combining elements of both democracy and autocracy
The process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence between countries economically, culturally, politically, and socially.
The increasing movement of people from rural areas to cities
IGOs (Intergovernmental Organizations)
Organizations composed of member states that cooperate on political
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations)
Private organizations that operate independently from the government to address social
Regionalization of World Politics
The process through which regions become more politically or economically integrated
Ethnolinguistic Groups
Groups of people who share a common ethnic origin and language
Informal IGO
An intergovernmental organization that operates without formal treaties or agreements between member states.
Formal IGO
A legally established intergovernmental organization created by treaties or agreements
Civil Society
The network of non-governmental organizations
The process of increasing division in society
Right Wing
A political ideology typically associated with conservatism
Left Wing
A political ideology associated with progressivism
Unilateral Approach
A strategy where one state or actor acts independently
Bilateral Approach
A diplomatic or policy approach involving two parties or states working together on an issue.
Multilateral Approach
A strategy where multiple countries or actors collaborate on an issue
Agency Theory
theory of how representatives like governments or international organizations (agents) act on behalf of citizens or states (principals). It highlights challenges such as ensuring agents prioritize the principals’ interests rather than their own, often requiring mechanisms like accountability and transparency to align goals.
Top Leader
A leader at the highest level of government or an organization
Middle Leader
A leader who manages and coordinates policies or initiatives between top leaders and grassroots levels.
Grassroots Leaders
Leaders who emerge from the community level and are directly involved in local issues and social movements.
The act of deeply considering or reflecting on political decisions