Unit 1: Contact, Imperialism, and Colonization Flashcards
Cavalry Definition
a group of soldiers who fight on horseback
Commodity Definition
a basic good used in trade and production of other goods
Fleet Definition
a group of ships traveling together
Lacquerware Definition
objects with a decorative lacquer coating
Pastoral Communities Definition
societies dependent on herding domesticated animals, often nomadic
Steppes Definition
vast, treeless plains in Central Asia
Tributes Definition
ritual exchanges to honor leaders, related to foreign relations
Age of Exploration Definition
the period in history between the fifteenth century and the eighteenth century during which European explorers traveled throughout the world using new maritime technologies
Astrolabe Definition
perhaps developed in Persia in the eleventh century, the device helped mariners determine latitude
Caravel Definition
the relatively light, fast-moving ships designed by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century, which helped make distant global exploration possible
Lateen Sail Definition
a triangular sail that enabled boats to use the gusts from monsoon winds to travel across the Indian Ocean
Magnetic Compass Definition
a device that uses cardinal directions and magnetized needles for navigation
Cartography Definition
the science and practice of representing a geographical area, such as on a two- dimensional surface like a map
Circumvent Definition
going around
Coriolis Effect Definition
a moving rotating mass experiences a force perpendicular to the rotation axis and motion direction
Current Definition
the flow of water, air, or electricity
Doldrums Definition
zones where trade winds meet, and the falling air creates a region of calm winds
Headwind Definition
a wind blowing from the front
Oceanic Gyre Definition
a large circular system of ocean currents created by the Earth’s rotation and global wind patterns
Rudder Definition
a piece of wood or metal with a hinge to move back and forth that is found under the stern (back) of a boat, used to steer
Trade Winds Definition
east to west wind currents that blow consistently slightly north and south of the equator
Augustinians Definition
Christian order that follows the rule of Saint Augustine
Caliphate Definition
Islamic state/empire
Dominicans Definition
Christian order that follows the rule of Saint Dominic
Franciscans Definition
Christian order that follows the rule of Saint Francis
Levant Definition
a historical term used for the Middle East
Mission Definition
an organized effort to spread Christianity to foreign lands
Zealotry Definition
uncompromising support of religious ideals, almost to the point of fanaticism
Inquisition Definition
a series of trials used by the Catholic Church to regulate the faith against heretics and Protestant Reformers (c. fifteenth to nineteenth centuries)
Jesuits Definition
a religious order founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola opposed to Reformation
Reduction Definition
a Portuguese community developed in South America for Indigenous populations to study, learn, and practice Christianity
Religious Order Definition
a community of religious individuals who live by a set of beliefs laid out by its founder
Sect Definition
a religious, political, or cultural subgroup
Shinto Definition
Japan’s Indigenous religion
Spanish Reconquista Definition
a series of conflicts that occurred between Muslims from North Africa and Christians in the Iberian Peninsula
Zeal Definition
the uncompromising support of religious ideals, almost to the point of fanaticism
Conquistador Definition
a Spanish person who came to the western hemisphere with the Spanish Empire to conquer territory and gain profit
Empire Definition
a term used to specify when a nation has power over territories outside of its immediate borders
Encomienda Definition
a system developed by the Spanish to control land and Indigenous peoples’ labor in the Western Hemisphere in the sixteenth century
Middleman Definition
an individual who acts as a go-between for two parties, such as a trader and a buyer
Pope Definition
the head of the Roman Catholic Church who also serves as bishop of Rome
Assimilation Definition
a policy in which the imperialists force their culture and way of life onto their subjects; it assumes that the way of life of the imperialist is superior to the way of life of the subject
Imperialism Definition
the practice of one group of people establishing control over another in a foreign land
Mercantilism Definition
a country’s wealth is measured by the amount of gold or silver it has; colonies exist to provide wealth to the controlling country
Nationalism Definition
an intense pride in one’s nation
Paternalism Definition
an imperialist policy of treating subjects as if they were children and incapable of self-rule
Social Darwinism Definition
the misapplication of Charles Darwin’s ideas to people and societies
Direct Rule Definition
a form of imperial government in which the foreign power controls all aspects of bureaucracy in a colony
Indirect Rule Definition
a form of imperial government in which local people administer the colony under the control of a foreign power
Protectorate Definition
a country that is controlled by, but not governed by, another country
Diaspora Definition
a mass migration of people from their homeland
Middle Passage Definition
the sea journey that transported enslaved people from Africa to the Americas
Transatlantic Trade Network Definition
a trade network across the Atlantic Ocean that transported goods between Africa, Europe, and the Americas
Cash Crop Definition
a crop, such as sugar, that is grown for profit and production, rather than food
Chattel Slavery Definition
the enslaving and owning of human beings and their children; in the system of chattel slavery, people were treated like livestock and families were enslaved for generations
Colonial Plantation Definition
a large farm in the colonies generally specializing in one highly profitable crop
Cormantin Definition
an area in Ghana well known for its former slave fort, Fort Amsterdam
Jaga Definition
a Portuguese term for various tribes of African warriors from lands east of Kongo
Kwaland Definition
a region in interior Africa, around Liberia to Nigeria, defined by the peoples who speak languages from the Kwa language family
African Diaspora Definition
the assemblage of communities around the world of people who descended from Africa
Flogging Definition
Colonization Definition
the process a country takes to control a foreign land and its people for economic gain
Conversion Definition
to give up one set of beliefs for another, in terms of religious conversion
Mission Definition
a religious organization on a long- term stay providing aid in a foreign country; typically refers to the actual site where the organization is located
Missionary Definition
a religious person sent to foreign lands to convert others to their belief system
Smallpox Definition
a disease similar to the flu that can result in death; vaccines today prevent it from occurring
Treaty Definition
a formal agreement between two countries
Eurocentric Definition
a formal agreement between two countries
Hispaniola Definition
an island in the Caribbean Sea that includes the modern nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Huron Confederacy Definition
various indigenous groups living along the St. Lawrence River in Canada who spoke the same language and allied themselves with the French colonists against the English
K’iche’ Definition
the Indigenous people of the Mayan Empire who occupied territory in the highlands of Guatemala
New Spain Definition
the Spanish Empire in the Americas during the 1500–1700s
The Popol Vuh Definition
the mythological book of the K’iche’ people that details their history and religious beliefs
Taino Definition
indigenous inhabitants of Haiti and other Caribbean islands
Armada Definition
a fleet of warships
Cash Economy Definition
the transactions for goods or services that are carried out with the use of currency (opposite of barter)
Commercial Revolution Definition
a period of change during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in which higher levels of global trade and wealth flowed into European nations and resulted in the creation of new economic, political, and social systems