Unit 1 Flashcards
the ruler exercises unlimited authority and usually inherits his position
absolute monarchy
means “to rule by oneself”
the ruler is limited by a constitution
constitutional monarchy
the people and their representatives are limited by a constitution
constitutional republic
the ruler acquires power by some means other than inheritance and rules with absolute authority
the people rule directly by popular vote
direct democracy
the people rule indirectly through elected representatives
indirect democracy
God rules directly
a dictatorship that controls all aspects of society through coercion
totalitarian dictatorship
an economic system in which the government controls the nation’s resources and its means of production
What is the idea that work is a gift from God and a means of glorifying Him?
Puritan (or Protestant) work ethic
What bird symbolizes America’s strength, power, and freedom?
bald eagle
In what verse are success and prosperity promised to the person who will mediate upon the laws of God and obey them?
Joshua 1:8
Which amendment to the Constitution is the separation of church and state based on?
First Amendment
From whom does civil government receive its authority?
What is another name for the Ten Commandments?
Name the totalitarian dictatorship in which all power is vested on ruler.
Name the upper house of Parliament
House of Lords
Name the lower house of Parliament
House of Commons
What document, for the first time in English history, placed the king under the law of the land?
Magna Carta