Unit 1 Flashcards
What is the role of the father in the trinity?
He is the creator of life
He loves us endlessly and is eternally here
He judges us from heaven
What is the role of the son in the trinity?
- the incarnation and image of God
- he shows complete love and sacrifice
- teaches how to be like the father and lived among us
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the trinity?
- communicates with humanity today and presence in the world
- inspired the authors of the bible and teachers of the church
- brings us gifts of joy
Why do Catholics believe in the unity of God?
It is mentioned in the CCC and the bible
Catholicism is a monotheistic faith
One of jesus’ teachings
How is the trinity used in worship?
- At baptism the trinity is used to being members into the church
- during mass the sign of the cross is said reminding us of the trinity
- present in our prayers and readings of the bible
How is the trinity seen in the bible?
- at the baptism of Jesus the trinity is mentioned e.g. a voice from God, the son himself being baptised and the holy spirit as a dove
- in John’s gospel is mentions how the word has always been present with the father and Holy Spirit so their eternal nature
What are the doctrine developments of the trinity?
- council of Nicaea argued that Arianism was heretical. But rather the Homoousios belief was correct as God and the son are equal and the same substance -stated in Nicene creed
- at the council of Constantinople it was argued that the Holy Spirit was also God as well as that Jesus was fully human and fully divine so appolinarinism was heretical
What do the genesis accounts reveal?
- shows the power of god as he is a creator
- his benevolence and eternal love for humanity
- the eternity of God as he was there before the heaven and the earth
- genesis 2&3 shows that humanity disobeys God leading to sin
How do Catholics view the creation story?
- Christians take it as a metaphor as they believe it reveals the power of God and the reason it happened but science is the proof how it happened
- it teaches Catholics their need for a relationship with God and the need to not sin
What do creationists believe?
- they believe it is the word of God and everything in it is literal and true e.g. world was made in 6 days
- they discredit science and evolution
What do other Christians believe about creation?
- mainstream Protestants again take it as a metaphor e.g. the 6 days is symbolic of 6 million years. Science is also accepted
- other Christians believe it is a myth which rebels the nature and messages of God but not aspect should be taken literally
What are the beliefs about humanity as the imago dei?
- humans are rational
- they have free will and conscience
- they can relate to God and are answerable to him
- they are made in his image and likeness so can give and receive love
What other duties does humanity have from God?
Stewardship and dominion
- look after and rule the world with the authority given from God
- but also care for it and and cultivate the planet with love so share resources and don’t exploit others
- try to bridge the gap between rich and poor
What are divergent beliefs to the nature of humanity?
- humanists believe that yes people have a duty to care for the environment but it has nothing to do with God
- we must protect the present world for future generations
Why is the jesus as the incarnation important?
- love of God as the father who sent his son to the earth
- physical revelation of God and his nature through jesus
- he was human just like us and experience similar things, creates a link between humanity and God
- belief in jesus and his sacrifice means we can achieve salvation
- we might become divine by following his example e.g. sacraments
What is the resurrection part of the paschal mystery?
- essential basis of Christianity that jesus rose from the dead giving Christians hope that there is life after death
- shows jesus truly is the sin of God and is with us now
What is the ascension part of the paschal mystery?
- it shows jesus’s divinity as he didn’t die like us but rather rose up to heaven to be with God
- it allows the beginning of the church’ mission to teach the gospel
- leaves us with the Holy Spirit which influences the church and reminds us of God’s omniscience
What is the death of jesus in the paschal mystery?
- shows how good defeats evil and life defeats death
- on the cross the ultimate sign of love and forgiveness is shown showing the benevolent nature of God
- jesus takes our sins into the cross and allows us to be saved
What is the life of jesus in the paschal mystery?
- provides an example of true holiness, grace and likeness to God, a model for others to follow
- through the life and acts of jesus we can see the love of God
- he leaves us the Eucharist in his last days, most important sacrament
What does humanity receive from the paschal mystery?
- redemption = humans can be forgiven of their sins and redeemed due to the sacrifice of jesus
- salvation = the process of being saved from sin and returning back to God as it heals our broken relationship
- justification =we can be saved by doing just acts and following the example of jesus to live good and holy lives
What does jesus’ death bring and why is it needed?
- sin prevents us from having a dull relationship with God
- therefore we can be redeemed and achieve salvation, Jain goal for Christians
What does the Holy Spirit bring from the paschal mystery and why is it needed?
- the gift of God’s love to guide us in out lives
- it is received in the sacraments especially the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us evangelise and develop our faith
How is salvation made known in the mass and sacraments?
- in baptism we are forgiven from sin and enter into the church
- in the other sacraments we receive God’s grace to help live a good Christian life
- at mass we receive the Eucharist which is a reminder and the bible readings that come with it remind us of how to achieve salvation
What are the two types of judgement?
Particular judgement which happens immediately after the death of an individual and judged on their lives and actions
Final judgement which happens on the last day when everyone will be judged both living and dead. The soul will be reunited with the body
What are Catholic beliefs about the resurrection for them?
- their soul will live in after they die
- when the last day happens they will be reunited with their bodies which are made better will reunite with their souls
- Protestants believe in a spiritual resurrection but Catholics a physical
- ‘I believe in the resurrection of my body’
What are Catholic beliefs about heaven?
- heaven is the place of complete perfection with God
- seeking this is known as the beatific version of god
- it is the ultimate goal for Catholics
What are Catholic beliefs about hell?
- a place of eternal pain and suffering
- the complete absence of God
- those who have refused the love of god will go here
What are the beliefs about purgatory?
- a place only believe by Catholics
- it is a place of waiting where our sins are forgiven and we are made ready for heaven if we accept the love of god
- it is a purposeful suffering waiting period
Why is escatology important?
- Catholics have this ultimate goal which encourages them to live and good and holy life
- means that Catholics will follow scripture and teachings in order to achieve this
- provides life with purpose and a desire to get to know God
What are divergent beliefs to eschatology?
- some Christians don’t believe in purgatory as it isn’t stated in the bible
- some Christians do not believe in hell whatsoever as it goes against the benevolent nature of God so it is empty
- Protestants believe in a spiritual resurrection but Catholics physical
- only Catholics believe in particular judgement but all Christians in final