Topic 2 Flashcards
Why is baptism important?
- the old life of the child is washed away and they enter into a new one where they are guided by the church
- original sin is washed away and they receive the grace of God
- it is the first sacrament of the church
- baptised in the name of the father,son and Holy Spirit, oil is used on forehead and chest
Why is confirmation important/how is it done?
- it is the final sacrament of initiation where one becomes and adult member of the church
- the grace of God is received through the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- bishops holds lit his hand and calls down the holy spirit
Why is reconciliation important/how is it done?
- brings forgiveness of our sins as jesus did
- reminds us of the love of God through absolution and our need to be with him not separated
- receive grave which strengthens us
- sinner confess their sins in act of contrition, priest forgives them through absolution and tells them a resolution (penance)
What is the anointing of the sick and why is it important?
- strengthening sacrament for those in sick,danger or near death preparing them for their final moments
- grace is received strengthened by this e.g. through Eucharist
- brings forgiveness from sin
- priests sits with them, lays his hands on them and uses oil
How is matrimony done and why is it important?
- it is a bond between husband and wife and a covenant with God that is lifelong
- it instigates the procreation of life
- God’s grace is given to the couple on behalf of the church
- vows and rings are exchanged, Holy Spirit is present
What is holy orders and why is it important?
- those called are following the work of jesus and the apostles so are continuing apostolic tradition
- the preset goes on to care for a pariah offering sacraments and salvation
- brings Christ to all
Why is the Eucharist important and what is it?
- for Catholics this is the most important sacrament as we receive the body and blood of Christ so are receiving his presence
- we receive his grace and are strengthened by this
- unites Catholics as the body of Christ
- reminder of jesus’s sacrifice and prospect of salvation
What are divergent beliefs to sacraments?
- most only accept baptism and Eucharist as only these two are referred to in the bible the rest are seen as rituals
- Quaker’s believe only faith and the bible is needed to be saved so don’t believe any are sacraments
- Baptists gets baptised but it is only an expression of faith not a sacrament
What are the first two parts of liturgical worship?
- introductory rates including the penitential rites were we confess our sins, opening prayer as a community with an aim, kyrie asking god for mercy
- liturgy of the word where we hear readings of the bible/gospel, have the homily and say the creed
What are the last two parts of liturgical worship?
- liturgy of the Eucharist is when the offertory takes place, the bread and wine is transubstantiated and we receive communion
- concluding Rights is when we have a final blessing and are then sent out to spread the good news
Why is liturgical worship important?
- during the liturgy of the Eucharist Christ is truly present and we are strengthened by this and also we receive grace
- the mass reminds Catholics of the resurrection giving hope there is life after death. It is also instructed by jesus
- mass brings Catholics together as the body of Christ so we are united by this
What are divergent attitudes to liturgical worship (mass as a whole)?
- for most Christians, the mass is the many form of worship
- it is used rarely by other Protestants, only for formal occasions
- most Protestants have non-liturgical worship with no structure bu prayers are said and the bible is key
- music is used where it tends to be more modern and extempore
What are the three types of funeral celebration?
- The vigil when the decreased is laid in a coffin and visited
- the funeral rite/requiem when readings are said
- the rite of committal when the coffin is blessed and goodbyes said
What are the three aims/functions of the funeral rite?
- communion with the deceased when prayers are said to encourage the deceased into their next life
- communion with the community where people come together as the body of Christ and show love for the deceased
- proclamation of eternal life reminding there is life after death and that death is the passage to communion with God
What are the 5 different forms of prayer?
- adoration (worship God often at mass)
- thanksgiving (gratitude to God e.g. before a meal)
- intercession (pray on behalf of someone else e.g. bidding prayers)
- repentance (acknowledge sorrow or confess e.g. confession)
- petition (ask for personal needs, at personal times)
What are the two main types of prayer?
Formal- e.g. during the mass and set prayers like the our father where we learn the nature of God - united and focus entirely on god
Extempore -private prayer which is often done at home and in silence of the heart - acting freely and more personal
Why is prayer important for Catholics?
- chance to step away from busy modern lives and focus wholly on God
- extempore prayer is more personal so can develop a unique relationship with god
- showing thanks to god, feel supported through petition prayer, or forgiven through repentance prayers
What is the rosary and why is it important?
- reminds us of the main events of jesus’s life and also events in Mary’s
- structured and allows reflection through prayer
What are the stations of the cross and why are they important?
- it allows one to remember the passion of jesus through 14 stages
- one can reflect on and thank Christ for his sacrifice and the gift he brought humanity
- Reminds Catholics they have salvation
- can be done at certain times of the year like Easter
What is Eucharistic adoration and why is it important?
- allows one to become present with jesus and his presence in the host
- way In which thanks and praise can be offered to God
- we can experience the grace of God through reflecting and adoring on the Eucharist
What are divergent beliefs to the Eucharist?
- quakers never have the Eucharist as there was only one Eucharistic celebration (the last supper)
- the Eucharist is just a commemoration so most Protestants don’t belive in transubstantiation
What are divergent beliefs to popular piety?
- many Protestant take a different approach and don’t take part in any of the 3 forms of popular piety
- reflection on the bible and personal prayer are the only types of popular piety Protestants take part in
- most acknowledge the stations of the cross as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and salvation
- structured and allows reflection on important biblical figures
Why is popular piety important?
- it is a different way Catholics can connect with God that extended the liturgical life of the church to focus on certain aspects
- Catholics can express faith on a more personal level
- it is a way that catholic faith can be enhanced though the mass is still the most important type of worship
- can become a helpful habit that can be used a certain times of the church calendar
What are key places of pilgrimage and their association?
Jesus =Jerusalem Walsingham =saints Rome =deciles Lourdes =Mary Buck fast abbey = personal relax and retreat
Why are Jerusalem and Lourdes important places of pilgrimage?
- Jerusalem is associated with jeus’s life so reminds us of the teachings he left us and where the faith began as well as his death and the paschal mystery
- Lourdes is where Mary appeared so is a spiritual place where miracles are meant to happen. It is also a place of charity, worship and love to strengthen our faith. Candles are lit and is a place for the sick
Why are Rome and Walsingham places of pilgrimage?
- Rome holds the Vatican City and catacombs so centre of the church to strengthen faith. Christians who don’t recognise the pope’s authority may visit here too as it holds historical value
- walsingham was where a noblewomen has a vision of Mary’s visit by the angel so built a replica of this house - accessible place to pray in communion with others
Why is pilgrimage important?
- Helps them on their search for God as one can feel closer to him especially through prayer
- more personal experience to express love and show devotion
- may be a place of service and healing to live out catholic social teaching
- strengthened through communion with other Christians
- take time from out busy lives to focus fully on God
What are divergent views towards pilgrimage?
- many Protestants don’t believe specific pilgrimage places are needed as God can be encountered anywhere -omnipresent
- may see it as a form of idolatry as only person who should be prayed to is God not a special place or other holy figure like Mary
- sole believe it is limited to certain people and economic standing
What are three catholic social teaching themes?
- preferential option for the poor and vulnerable shows the important of putting others first and showing love
- stewardship of the planet to care for the world and not exploit God’s gifts and others
- human rights and the important to protect them, helping to achieve equality and justice so everyone is treated fairly
Why is catholic social teaching important?
- inspired by Jesus’s parables (e.g. sheep and the goat , Good Samaritan, 10 commandments)so following as he did and rooted in church teachings
- promotes key themes like social justice and peace
- church is united and strengthened as the body of Christ through the same beliefs and purposes
How can Catholics individually show CST?
- their work or vocation, for example charity workers, priests and teachers
- by helping the needy in society on a daily basis
- donating to charity or promoting their work
How does CAFOD show CST?
- has long term partnerships to help those most in need e.g. health care
- short term projects e.g. in natural disasters or war
- speak on behalf of those most in need helping to persuade change in government and others
- educate and inform others of their work e.g. in schools and parishes
Why is evangelism important?
- visibly share love and devotion to God to achieve salvation
- way of sharing the gospel with others and the morals/values within to reduce anger/conflict
- share the impact the mass and Holy Spirit has on daily lives giving them purpose
- Catholics have a duty to continue apostolic tradition
How does the church evangelise?
- through the parish as they publish church new letters, donate church runs to charity and preach gospel values throughout mass
- bishops can have national publications and help built evangelical parishes e.g. by training priests
- pope can speak pontifically at world events and international charities
How can individuals evangelise?
- by choice of career e.g. by having a family and raising them in the faith or becoming catechist
- they may share or learn of their faith at national events
- they may blog about it, speak at international events or join international charities