Topic 2 Flashcards
Why is baptism important?
- the old life of the child is washed away and they enter into a new one where they are guided by the church
- original sin is washed away and they receive the grace of God
- it is the first sacrament of the church
- baptised in the name of the father,son and Holy Spirit, oil is used on forehead and chest
Why is confirmation important/how is it done?
- it is the final sacrament of initiation where one becomes and adult member of the church
- the grace of God is received through the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- bishops holds lit his hand and calls down the holy spirit
Why is reconciliation important/how is it done?
- brings forgiveness of our sins as jesus did
- reminds us of the love of God through absolution and our need to be with him not separated
- receive grave which strengthens us
- sinner confess their sins in act of contrition, priest forgives them through absolution and tells them a resolution (penance)
What is the anointing of the sick and why is it important?
- strengthening sacrament for those in sick,danger or near death preparing them for their final moments
- grace is received strengthened by this e.g. through Eucharist
- brings forgiveness from sin
- priests sits with them, lays his hands on them and uses oil
How is matrimony done and why is it important?
- it is a bond between husband and wife and a covenant with God that is lifelong
- it instigates the procreation of life
- God’s grace is given to the couple on behalf of the church
- vows and rings are exchanged, Holy Spirit is present
What is holy orders and why is it important?
- those called are following the work of jesus and the apostles so are continuing apostolic tradition
- the preset goes on to care for a pariah offering sacraments and salvation
- brings Christ to all
Why is the Eucharist important and what is it?
- for Catholics this is the most important sacrament as we receive the body and blood of Christ so are receiving his presence
- we receive his grace and are strengthened by this
- unites Catholics as the body of Christ
- reminder of jesus’s sacrifice and prospect of salvation
What are divergent beliefs to sacraments?
- most only accept baptism and Eucharist as only these two are referred to in the bible the rest are seen as rituals
- Quaker’s believe only faith and the bible is needed to be saved so don’t believe any are sacraments
- Baptists gets baptised but it is only an expression of faith not a sacrament
What are the first two parts of liturgical worship?
- introductory rates including the penitential rites were we confess our sins, opening prayer as a community with an aim, kyrie asking god for mercy
- liturgy of the word where we hear readings of the bible/gospel, have the homily and say the creed
What are the last two parts of liturgical worship?
- liturgy of the Eucharist is when the offertory takes place, the bread and wine is transubstantiated and we receive communion
- concluding Rights is when we have a final blessing and are then sent out to spread the good news
Why is liturgical worship important?
- during the liturgy of the Eucharist Christ is truly present and we are strengthened by this and also we receive grace
- the mass reminds Catholics of the resurrection giving hope there is life after death. It is also instructed by jesus
- mass brings Catholics together as the body of Christ so we are united by this
What are divergent attitudes to liturgical worship (mass as a whole)?
- for most Christians, the mass is the many form of worship
- it is used rarely by other Protestants, only for formal occasions
- most Protestants have non-liturgical worship with no structure bu prayers are said and the bible is key
- music is used where it tends to be more modern and extempore
What are the three types of funeral celebration?
- The vigil when the decreased is laid in a coffin and visited
- the funeral rite/requiem when readings are said
- the rite of committal when the coffin is blessed and goodbyes said
What are the three aims/functions of the funeral rite?
- communion with the deceased when prayers are said to encourage the deceased into their next life
- communion with the community where people come together as the body of Christ and show love for the deceased
- proclamation of eternal life reminding there is life after death and that death is the passage to communion with God
What are the 5 different forms of prayer?
- adoration (worship God often at mass)
- thanksgiving (gratitude to God e.g. before a meal)
- intercession (pray on behalf of someone else e.g. bidding prayers)
- repentance (acknowledge sorrow or confess e.g. confession)
- petition (ask for personal needs, at personal times)