Topic 3 Flashcards
What is Law within the bible?
Books from God to Humanity and shows how the Jews became the people of God (e.g. the Decalogue) old testament
What is history in the bible?
Talks of the Jewish people and their journey to the promised land
Old Testament
What is the prophecy writings in the bible?
Message from God on how to live and what was to happen in the times to come. Old Testament
What are the writings/poetry/wisdom in the bible?
Humans expressing the greatness of the nature of God. Old Testament
What are the gospels on the bible?
They tell us about the life of Jesus and his own teachings - the good news of Jesus. New Testament
What are the letters in the bible?
Speaks of the early church communities and the emergence of the Christians church (e.g. Saint Paul) New Testament
What is the revelation in the bible?
Christians describe the end of the world. New Testament
How many authors are there of the bible?
How many books are there in the bible?
66 books for Protestants
73 books for Catholics
What does canonical mean?
A collection of books approved by the Catholic Church
What does deuterocanonical mean?
A version of the bible recognised by the Catholic Church. It has 73 books usually listed at the end of the Old Testament.
What do orthodox believe about the bible?
Orthodox bibles include additional scripture that is not recognised by the Catholic Church. The order of books also varies.
What is the catholic belief about interpreting the bible?
The bible is the inspired (holy spirit) word of a God and there is truth in the message of the bible. Do not take the bible literally!
The magisterium interprets the bible for us and it should re read in light of culture and God’s advices by the Holy Spirit.
What is the literalist view towards interpreting the bible?
It is 100% true and inerrant
Was word for word dictated by God and all should follow the bible
What is the liberalist view towards interpreting the bible?
The bible was written by humans but inspired by God so is not the word for word truth but carries spiritual truths that help us become closer to a God. Parts are outdated in modern society.
Why is the bible important?
- it offers advice and guidance for daily life
- it reveals to us what God is love and his nature
- can be used to reflect or used during worship and mass
- contain the teachings of Jesus
- inspired by the Holy Spirit (sense of authority)
Who is the magisterium made up of?
Priests, popes, bishops and cardinals
What is the extraordinary Magisterium?
Church councils (Vatican 2) or when the Pope (pontifical) speaks with absolute infallible authority. (Only ever been 21 of these)
What is the ordinary magisterium?
The daily teachings of the church through letters and teachings. It is infallible (no mistakes)
What is a dogma?
Documents which have been infallibly defined by an ecumenical council or pope - all Catholics must accept them.
Why is the magisterium important?
- give advice on modern day issues such as abortion
- they write the CCC
- they continue apostolic tradition and succession
- inspired by the Holy Spirit
- interpret the bible and uncover Jesus’ messages
When did Vatican 2 start and finish?
Opened by Pope John XX11 in 1962
Closed by Pope Paul V1 in 1965