Unit 1 Flashcards
descriptive research
data collected that looks at central tendency (mean, median, mode, standard deviation); information related to averages
Ex: surveys studies
experimental research
make group comparisons; they types of studies we want as SLPs, more conclusive and scientific in directing our clinical practices
inferential statistics
taking the results of studies and generalizing it to similar clients
special intrest group
Language disorder
when a person falls -1.5 standard deviations below the mean on 4 or 5 test called a known language disorder
5 components of language
phonology, morphology, pragmatics, syntax, semantics
bloom and lay components of language
gave three components of language
form- phonology, syntax, morphology
content- semantics
function- pragmatics
Larry Leonard
Purdue University
at risk for a language disorder if a person falls at or below -1.25 standard deviations below mean 10% or lower
language disorder as defined by Tomblin
(university of Iowa)
the degree of being disvalued by society because of language
Language delay
only use the term language delay when referring to very young children
suggests that while a child is behind on language now, they will later catch up
can be very misleading because a delay can develop into a disorder if not acted upon
at -1.25 would have a delay because they are at risk
pl 99-457
-free and appropriate developmental services
-for children with know communication disorder and at risk for communication disorders
“Late talkers” turn into disorders
there is no set definition for these terms that all professionals follow
with most language disorders children
follow the normal acquisition stages, it is just slower
will never go away
Norm Chompsky
studied linguistics
theory of language acquisition that some still believe in
-innate language acquisition
-your brain is wired to learn and develop language from birth
-you only need a little bit of language stimulation to acquire language
he thinks of language in a modular approachnot as many people from speech pathology adapt that theory, they understand it utmost SLPs don’t always embrace that theory
modular approach
Norm chompsky there is someplace in the brain that is a module that is strictly linguistic in nature and language acquisition comes from it
information processing theory
deals primarily with working memory working memory Cognitive Science ***Allen Baddeley and Hitch -limited capacity model
limited capacity model
your brain is only able to hold on a certain amount of information
-children with language disorders have a limited capacity model (difficulty with working memory)
if you cannot hold onto language information, you will have problems in many areas of your life
can be related to language and attentional resources (being able to attend)
Baddeley and Hitch
first to make a model of working memory used to explain language acquisition
working memory
necessary to learn, reason, and remember
processing information and then manipulating that information
does not improve-you are born with a fixed capacity system
those with LD do not have an normal capacity system and that will not improve, we can only help them become more efficient
will see the most on this in the field when looking at articles
where you process and store information
you have to process and store simultaneously
ex: listen to the sentence and say whether it is true or false and what the last word is
not all children with LD have problems with working memory
-language may just be hard for them-may be strictly linguistic in nature
short-term memory
not the same as working memory
holding information in your memory while doing no computation
no second simultaneous task
repeating numbers given to you
long-term memory
learned something and practiced it so many times that it is permanently stuck in your brain
The phase or type of memory responsible for storage of information for an extended period of time
episodic memory
impacts long-term memory
related to personal events, objects, situation that are important in your life
an episode that is important to the rememberer
can be used to help facilitate learning for children with language disorders
Theoretical construct of memory and Baddeley
Baddeley’s model includes
the phonological loop the visual spacial sketchpad, the central executive and episodic buffer
all parts come together to help out long term memory
central executive
the boss, can dictate tasks to the phonological loop the visual spacial sketchpad, and episodic buffer
it knows when the system is over loaded and will throw information out
phonological loop
deals with verbal information
articulatory rehearsal mechanism
phonological store
sub vocal speech mechanism that helps people hold on to information they are trying to remember
as the numbers are listed to you you start to loop them in your head, then they go into the store to be somewhat permanent and no longer needs rehearsed
children with LD have problems recycling them and storing for later recall
this is the part that children with SLI struggle with
visual spacial sketch pad
***primarily responsible for holding visual and spacial information in the brain
we don’t know as much about it as the phonological loop
episodic buffer
tries to coordinate events that are somewhat episodic in nature with long-term memory
James Montgomery
Ohio University leader in WM
Ron Gillam
Utah State test of narrative language
Allen Baddeley
University of York (UK)
Julie Evans
Northwestern University
nonword repetition
a sequence of consonants and vowels that have no semantic meaning
we use nonword as a way to asses language disorders
what we typically find out is that people that don’t have language disorders can produce them, but it is very hard for this with a language disorder because it taps into phonological working memory
it is a very sensitive instrument to help us diagnose people with language disorders
highly related to vocabulary development and academic success
comprehensive test of phonological procession 2 (C-TOPP 2)
one of the subtest is a nonword repetition
Barry really likes this one gives it a “triple star”
4 years- 24.11
rapid letter naming
rapid digit naming
memory for digits
phoneme isolation
blending words
phonological processing and memory
giving for most children with language impairments
SLI (Specific Language Impairment)
a language disorder that occurs across a life span where a person will have issues across expressive an/or receptive language, but everything else about the child is normal. No neurological damage, no hearing problems, normal IQ. They do not learn language rapidly or effortlessly
they know what they want to say, they just can’t come up with the right words
problems with morphology and syntax
no exact type of characteristics that all follow
not everyone will manifest the same type of characteristics
more problems with articles, regular past tense, function words
short utterances
they look normal, quiet in the classroom, often go unnoticed “Passive communicators”
Never go away
more difficult to identify because they only have problems with language
Shorter MLU
70-80% are at risk for reading/writing disorders
morphology and syntax disorder
A- adult
C- child (3.4)
A ok ready
C ready
A this is Jimy tell me a story about Jimmy
him going fishing jim hold…water and go fish and ??
A I didn’t hear this one, what was this one?
C I don’t know
A ok how may more do you think we have
C I don’t know
A ready
C Ready
A This is cathy tell me a story
C Cathy brush teeth and her get clothes on, She must be getting ready to go to school
Lawrence (Larry) Leonard
(Purdue University) studied SLI throughout his life
bruce tomlin
spent most of his life studying the prevalence (approx. 7.2% of pop with SLI)
Passive communicators
communicators that don’t initiate communication
they will answer questions when asked
criteria for SLI
typically language test scores will be -1.25 SD below the mean or lower
IQ (Nonverbal) 85+
hearing screening pass
no episodes of otitis media
no evidence of seizure disorder (No meds for it), cerebral palsy, brain measures
no structural anomalies
oral motor function within normal limits
No impaired reciprocal social interactions (debated among professionals)
some argue that there is a genetic link (30% with parents or siblings with other or similar language disorders)
only get treatment if they fall below the 10% of disorders so many SLI children do not get treated
neurobiological relationship
subtle irregularities of the brain structure for those with SLI
National Institute of Health (NIH)
federally funded program that provide researchers funds to investigate communication disorders (as well as other diseases
they now say that you can drop dow to 70 IQ and be labeled low normal IQ
SLI Semantics
might not produce their first word until 23 months
only 17 words produced at 24 compared to 200 of typically developing children
quantitative and qualitative differences
reduced vocal and difficulty combining words into phrases (semantic relations)
vocab acquisition slower, less lexical diversity
use the same vocal words over and over, diversity is sparse
less knowledge about word meaning
more exposure is going to be needed to learn words in context
they need the redundancy and repetition to acquire the word
like building up muscles
difficulty retrieving words (word finding)
difficulty with verbs especially
morphosyntactic language
disfluencies, false starts, hesitations, or easy receptions
need additional processing times
type token ratio (vocabulary diversity)
the number of different words divided by the total number of words
ball, house, my, home, ball, no, yes, house, ball, table,
we want .46 or better
morphosyntactic language***
land mark characteristic for children with SLI
make the most significant gains in normal developing children at the age of 3
therefore the overall MLU will e shorter, sentences simpler, difficulty with articles (a,an, the), plural difficulty, pronouns, possessive s, third person singular, copula “is”
difficulty with the preposition, on, irregular past tense, ***unstressed parts of our language that are in short duration less intensity and have lower pitch
difficulty with verbs
- much more abstract
- their grammatical complexity
pragmatics and SLI
no blatant social/pragmatic deficits in children with SLI
chided with SLI tend to be less interactive, initiate conversation less, and will answer questions more than they ask questions
fewer acknowledgement
fewer opportunities for joint attention of an object/person
try to gain a listener’s attention at the wrong time
be less responsive to peers attempt to initiate conversations
suddenly switch topics
problems with timing of terms
maintaining, initiation conversation, conversational repair, most SLI have problems with narratives as well as conversations
story retelling difficult
story retelling difficultly
often omit parts of stories
difficultly with cohesion devices (e.g., words like “and”, “then”, etc. within a story
very few transitions
80% of children with phonology problems will also have language problems
you can have children with SLI that have intact phonological systems
-more related to morphosyntactic development
LLD- phonological awareness
phonological awareness, in addition to morphological and writing awareness have implications for reading and academics
phonological awareness
Barbra- the ability to think about the sound structure of our language
E.g. how may syllables does the word hippopotamus have
many children with SLI have difficulty with phonological awareness
Standardized test
test designed that provide normative data (norma on typically developing populations- allows for comparisons)
-must be administered in a strict, rigorous format- specific guidelines must be followed in order for results to be reliable
someone is considered to have a language disorder if they fall at or below the 10th percentile in 3/5 tests (include both standardized and criterion- referenced instruments)
normed on typically developing children
areas of assessment for SLI
morpho-syntactic development (first assessment area to look at)
expressive and receptive language
phonological development
structured photographic expressive language test 3rd edition (SPELT-3)
the absolute best test for language
good reliability and validity
for morphology and syntax
one of the more scientific test that has been examined and reviewed
ages 4.0 to 9.11
looks at areas of grammar that are important to us
covers all or most grammatical morphemes
Test Of Nonverbal Intelligence 3 (TONI-3)
designed to work like an IQ test and can be administered by an SLP
we want to know for SLI that nonverbal is intact
ages 5.0 to 85.11
Comprehensive Test Of Nonverbal Intelligence 2 (CTONI-2)
ages 6.0 -89.11
not used for SLI
may be used for autism to get an idea of where they are
Test of Language Development- Primary 3 (TOLD-3)
picture vocabulary, oral vocabulary, grammatical understanding, sentence imitation, grammatical completion
word articulation
ages 4.0-8.11
Test of Auditory Comprehension of Language 4 (TACL-4)
single vocabulary words, oral vocal, grammatical morphology, compound complex sentences,
also looking at comprehension of grammatical morphology
ages 3.0-12.11
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 4 (PPVT-4)
single vocabulary with SLI children especially early on when they are very young
one word english nouns and verbs
super validity and reliability
Receptive One Word picture vocabulary test
Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test is the companion
ages 2.0-80+
criterion Reference instruments
one word semantic analysis (Nelson or Bloom)
grammatical morphology
Mean Length Utterance
John Miller SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcript) 50 spontaneous utterances count the number of morphemes divided by the total number of utterances count free and bound morphemes I eat spinach my mom sick no pizza tonight go home go away I don't like you goodbye 18 free 1 bound MLU 2.7
test of narrative language (TNL)
measures expressive and receptive narrative development
ages 5-11
pub 2004
Goldman friste test of articulation 3rd edi
measures articulation
ages 2-21.11
khan lewis phonological analysis KLPA
companion instrument to GFTa
measures: phonology
ages 2-21.11
Comprehensive assessment of articulation and Phonology (CAAP-2)
phonology and articulation in younger children
ages 2.6-111.11
horizontal goals
select multiple goals
individuals with normal IQ with norman cognitive function
i.e. clients with SLI
they can handle more than one goal at a time
vertical goals
select one target
target goal until client has mastered the goal
will use for clients with more significant disabilities
behavioral objectives
long term goal
semester goal
terminal performance that you would like that held to achieve by the end of the semester
Ex: the client will be able to communicate a story with settings, initiating events, attempts, and consequences when provided a book with pictorial illustrations given with 90% accuracy
where you want to be with a particular goal when it is all said and done
instructional goals
short term goals
ways of coming up with goals that lead up to longer goals
Ex: the client will provide a setting of a story when provided a book and a verbal model of using setting statements by a clinician with 90% accuracy
clinicians will often have multiple short term goals to build up to the larger one
forming goals
who, what they are doing, what conditions are they doing it under, what percentage
ABA style