Unit 1 Flashcards
____________is defined as the deliberate cultivation of crops and rearing of animals
Where are hunter gatherers found?
In areas where the land and climate conditions do not favour deliberate crop culture. Desert areas, Arctic region and pockets of tropical rain forest are examples
____________ is a form of agriculture in which an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned for a new area.
Shifting cultivation
__________________ is the practice of using the same plot of land continuously over a long period to grow crops or rear livestock.
Settled agriculture
Which one is more advanced settled agriculture or shifting cultivation
Settled agriculture
________________ is the practice of growing crops and raising livestock sufficient only for one’s own use, without any surplus for trade.
Subsistence farming
Is it possible that religion may have influenced agriculture?
Yes, because particular animals and plants were kept as they were required for religious practices.
List some features that could possibly influence hunter gatherers food source
-ease of harvest -seasonal distribution
-wide availability -climate tolerance
-good flavour
-ease of transport
-high predictability
-suitable grain size
The wild plant species that hunter gatherers consumed include
-Wild rice
-grass species
-wild oats
Root crops are wildly used in what area?
-tropical region
How did our ancestors consume legumes?
Legumes is said to be toxic so our ancestors learned through trail and error how to detoxify it and they hunted by the poisonous substance they extracted by putting them on arrowheads
Crop production is mainly determined by
The type of crop and the environment in which it’s grown
What is primitive agriculture
It’s the old agriculture in which they used tools that have low efficiency and aren’t easy to operate
Modern agriculture involves
-crop rotation
-various soil conservation practices to control soil erosion
What is crop rotation
It’s the changing between different crops in different seasons
What is fallowing
It’s leaving the land free for 2 to 3 seasons
Efficient technology’s for agriculture include
-genetic improvements of plants
List the advantages technology advancements have on agriculture
-improved seeds
-better production practices
-better harvesting and storage facilities
One of the first technological changes in agriculture is
The transfer of some tedious manual work to draft animals
The three eras in agriculture are
-mechanical era (1930-1950)
-chemical era(1950-1970)
-biotechnology/information technology era(1970-present)
List the five major crops that constitute ethiopias 75% cultivated area
What are cereals
Cereals are grasses cultivated for their grains
What limits yield level
Recurrent drought and climate change
Achieving food security requires
Increase in yield and a decrease in yields variability
List the principal factors responsible for low crop yields in Ethiopia
- low irrigation
-rain variability and uncertainty
-soil degradation
-little technology use
-low use of inputs like improved seeds,fertilisers and pesticides