Unionism and Cooperation, 1785-1870 Flashcards
What is an example of an early trade society and what did they do
The London Printers
Petitioned their masters for an increase in wages due to a high cost of living in 1793.
Gained 539 signatures, and were successful
What were two major strikes very early in the 19th century
Lancashire cotton spinners in 1810 and again in 1818
Aims were not achieved in either
What was the large trade union formed in 1834
The Grand National Consolidated Trades Union, with over 1 million members
How did employers prevent unionism
Using ‘the document’, which had workers contractually agree not to be members of a union and could not join one
How many members of the Grand National actually paid their fees?
When did the Grand National collapse
When did the Grand National fail to support its members
In 1834, 1500 mill workers in Derby were locked out of their place of work for failing to leave their union
Despite lasting 4 months without pay, these men eventually returned because they couldn’t survive and weren’t supported enough by the Grand National
What did the Combination Act ban
The actual membership or joining of a trade union that could negotiate for higher wages or lower hours was banned
Punishment was hard labour for any amount of time not exceeding 2 months
Friendly Societies, being regulated, were exempt from this
When was the Master and Servant Act passed and what did it do
Made the breaking of a contract an offence punishable by imprisonment, strikes included
Between 1857-1875, 10,000 prosecutions in England and Wales
What was a knobstick
Also known as a ‘scab’, an Irish worker who replaced strikers
Who were the Tolpuddle Martyrs
6 men who, in 1834, swore an oath to try and improve their wages.
Their employer, Frampton, lowered their wages to 6 shillings per week and had them tried and ‘transported’ to Australia.
What was the reaction to the Martyr’s being transported
100,000 protestors turned up at Copenhagen fields, with 200,000 signatures seeking a pardon
Lord John Russell noticed, and began a process of democratisation in local government
What was the first New Model Union
The Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 1851
12,000 members, and a fee of £1/year for membership
Branches from Lancashire to Scotland
Which union represented miners from 1858
National Miners Association, working for legislation to improve safety in the pits
Helped to achieve the Mines Regulation Act 1860
Which union almost successfully agitated for a change in the Master and Servant Law
Glasgow Carpenters Union
What was the outcome of the Sheffield meeting for unions
Saw the formation of the United Kingdom Alliance of Organised Trades, formed in 1866, but this collapsed in 1868
What were the Trade Councils in the TUC
Smaller groups which represented local interests in the TUC
Offered a broader forum for union activity but were still held back by their individuality
What was the New Model Union set up in 1860
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners
How much did the Amalgamated Society of Engineers pay to builder to support their strike in London
3 donations of £1000
When was the first meeting of the TUC and how many attended
1868, with 34 delegates
What did the Molestation of Workmen Act of 1859 do
Gave rights to workers who picketed peacefully during strikes, conceding some rights but retaining the power of the government to imprison or act forcefully where necessary
When were unions made entirely legal
Trades Union Act, 1871
Which Trades Council was the most influential
The London Trades Council, with members like Robert Applegarth, leader of the Amalgamated Carpenters, and William Allen of the Amalgamated Engineers
When was Robert Owen actually in control of New Lanark’s operation
1799 to 1828
The mill itself continued functioning until 1968