Unilateral UMN Dysarthria Flashcards
True or False
Unilateral UMN Dysarthria is the most recent MSD classied by Darley et al. after 1980
Unilateral UMN Dysarthria is characterized by:
weakness in lower face, lips, and tongue on opposite side of lesion
True or False
Cortical infarcts results in aphasia/AOS and may mask its presence (confusing diagnosis for Unilateral UMN Dysarthria)
True or False
The most common cause for Unilateral Upper Motor Neuron Dysarthria is due to Demyelinating
Vascular (92%)
*nonhemorrhagic stroke; hemorrhagic stroke
This is a type of stroke that results from a (small) occlusion of one of the penetrating arteries that provides blood to the brain’s deep structures
Lacunar Infarcts
True or False
The name lacune comes from cavity, as in the cavity that is left behind after healing from an infarct
Some of the syndromes associated with Lacune Infarcts are:
Pure motor hemiparesis
Dynsarthria-clumsy hand
Lesion in the Left Middle Cerebral Artery results in:
UUMN deficits + aphasia, apraxia
Lesion in the Right Middle Cerebral Artery results in:
UUMN deficits + neglect & cognitive deficits (R hemisphere pathology)
True or False
Lesions in the posterior, basilar or anterior cerebral arteries are more common
True or False
Individuals with UUMN have a bad prognosis
have a good prognosis due to the low severity of impact on speech
What are some of the non-speech characteristics seen with individuals with UUMN?
damage to muscles of lower face and tongue
unilateral lower face and tongue weakness
drooling and dysphagia can occur
What are some of the articulation deficits seen with individuals with UUMN?
severity can range from mild to moderate
imprecise articulation
irregular articulatory breakdowns
imprecise AMR
What are some of the deficits in phonation for individuals UUMN?
harshness, reduced loudness
hypernasality (infrequent)
What are some of the speech deficits in prosody for UUMN?
slow AMR (mild)
Irregular AMR (mild)
What are some patient complaints for those who have UUMN?
slurred speech/difficulty with speaking
thick/heavy tongue when speaking
drooping lower face
Dysphagia (mild)