Uniform External/Internal Complaint Intake Mgmt Flashcards
mediation, conciliation, negotiation or any other means of facilitating the resolution of issues in dispute by a third party off site meeting.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
any Service employee who is not a police officer, including employees classified as:
summer help;
participants in the co–operative education program.
Civilian Member
an Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) process to handle
complaints prior to engaging the screening process. All matters suitable for a Customer Service Resolution will be referred to Professional Standards by the OIPRD. These matters can be resolved by an agreement between all parties in lieu of a complaint being formalized by the OIPRD. No record of a customer service resolution shall be placed in a police officer’s personnel file.
Customer Service Resolution
an allegation made by a member of the public:
in writing and signed on the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) form; and,
delivered to any Toronto Police Service (Service) facility or the OIPRD personally or by an agent, by mail, facsimile
or by electronic mail (e–mail); and,
must concern the policies of, or the services provided by the Service or the conduct of a police officer; and,
classified by the OIPRD
External Complaint
in reference to external complaints means where the conduct is deemed less serious and can be resolved through agreement from all parties after an OIPRD complaint has been lodged.
Informal Resolution (External)
in reference to complaints means a supervisor assigned to investigate a complaint and includes
a Unit Complaint Co–ordinator (UCC).
Investigating Supervisor
a brief similar in content to a crown brief, in that it should be bound, the pages numbered sequentially, and include all video and audio recordings, or other electronic recordings, along with a transcript of same, and should be in a format as defined by Professional Standards Support – Prosecution Services.
Investigative Brief
means the conduct is not of a serious nature
Less Serious Complaint Allegation
means when a local resolution process has commenced but is not completed, (e.g., complainant refuses to
complete/sign a local resolution form).
Local Inquiry
the agreement that is reached between all parties when an external complaint is made directly to a police officer in lieu of being lodged with the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD). No record of
a local resolution shall be placed in a police officer’s personnel file.
Local Resolution
an independent civilian agency responsible for
receiving, managing and overseeing all public complaints about the police in Ontario in accordance with the Police Services
Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)
a Senior Officer of the TPS designated by the Chief of Police to act as the liaison with the OIPRD relating to conduct investigations and
Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) Liaison Officer
an independent oversight agency and is the appeal body for decisions made at police disciplinary proceedings.
Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC)
a person making a complaint under Part V of the Police Services Act
a police officer who is a witness officer in a complaint filed by a member of the public under Part V of the Police
Services Act
the Chief of Police of the police service to which the complaint relates
in the case of a complaint against the Chief of Police, the Police Services Board of the police service to which the
complaint relates, and
may include any person added as a party by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD).
Party to a Complaint
in reference to complaints means a report outlining the circumstances and
investigative results of a complaint in the prescribed format as defined by the Office of the Independent Police Review
Director (OIPRD).
Report of Investigation
a police officer who is the subject of a complaint filed by a member of the public under Part V of the Police Services Act, and may include a Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police
Respondent Officer
a matter that, at the discretion of the Chief of Police, is of public interest to be dealt with as a complaint under Part V of the Police Services Act. A serious complaint, if substantiated, must go to a disciplinary
Serious Complaint Allegation
reference to complaints means an issue identified during the course of the investigation concerning the
policies or the services provided by the TPS or the conduct of a police officer or a civilian member, which
is not part of the original complaint.
Side Issue
reference to complaints means, based on the results of the investigation, there are reasonable grounds
to believe the conduct of a police officer or civilian member constitutes misconduct
reference to complaints means a matter where:
insufficient evidence exists to support the allegation
evidence exists that, if believed, would not constitute misconduct
the identification of the police officer involved cannot be established.
reference to complaints means a police officer who is not the respondent of a complaint.
Witness Officer
the Toronto Police Association or the Toronto Police Senior Officers’ Organization
means any Service employee who is not a police officer, including employees classified as:
summer help;
participants in the co–operative education program.
Civilian Member
reference to internal complaints means if, at the conclusion of the investigation and upon
review of the written report, the Unit Commander is of the opinion that there was misconduct and/or unsatisfactory work
performance but that it was not of a serious nature, the Unit Commander may resolve the matter informally.
Informal Resolution (Internal)
an allegation from internal sources concerning the conduct of a police officer, or the policies or the services provided by the TPS
Internal Complaint
reference to complaints means a supervisor assigned to investigate a complaint and includes
a Unit Complaint Coordinator (UCC).
Investigating Supervisor
the protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code for which a person cannot discriminate. These include: age, ancestry, citizenship, colour, creed, disability, ethnic origin, family status, gender expression, gender identity, marital status (including single status), place of origin, race, receipt of public assistance (in housing only), record of offences (in employment only), sex (including discrimination based on pregnancy and
breastfeeding), and sexual orientation.
Prohibited Grounds
reference to complaints means a report outlining the circumstances and investigative results of a complaint in a prescribed format as defined by Professional Standards – Complaints Administration.
Report of Investigation (Internal)
reference to complaints means a police officer who is alleged to have engaged in misconduct by an act
or omission where a complaint has been made and the officer has been so designated by the investigating supervisor
Subject Officer
reference to the civilian complaint and discipline process means a civilian member who is alleged to
have engaged in misconduct by an act or omission where a complaint has been made and the member has been so
designated by the investigating supervisor
Subject Member
reference to the civilian complaint and discipline process means a matter where:
insufficient evidence exists to support the allegation
evidence exists, and if believed, would not constitute misconduct / substantiated complaint
the identity of the member cannot be established.
Unsubstantiated – Civilian Complaint