Emergency Incident Response Flashcards
the approach or point of entrance to the scene
a place near the scene of an emergency incident where members report for instructions and information. The command post should be located at a safe distance and near other emergency services command posts.
Command Post
the exit or way out of the scene.
a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise.
a facility operated by the City of Toronto specifically established to conduct
the overall management of an emergency. The Toronto Police Service is one of many agencies represented. The Toronto EOC is located at 703 Don Mills Road, 6th Floor.
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
a committee, chaired by the Staff Superintendent – Public Safety Operations, comprised of subject matter experts from every command pillar within the TPS
(Service). The EPC focus is on mitigation, preparedness planning, response and recovery; ensuring appropriate planning,
investigative and response capabilities are available within the Service.
Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC)
that all movement in and out of the school is restricted and external doors locked, however, movement within the school is not restricted as the external danger near the school poses no immediate threat to the
students or staff unless they leave the building.
Hold and Secure
the police officer who has taken charge of the incident and who is in charge at the Command Post and, in conjunction with other emergency services commanders, is responsible for coordinating and managing police response at an incident.
Incident Commander
Toronto Police Service Senior Officers who have been trained as incident
commanders and are available 24/7 on an on–call basis and may be activated through the Inspector – Emergency Management & Public Order (EM&PO).
Incident Commander Cadre (ICC)
the model of police on–site response to emergencies and disasters based
on the Incident Command System, adopted by the Province of Ontario. The IMS provides the functional infrastructure necessary for the appropriate and efficient use of police resources
Incident Management System (IMS)
Service members trained in IMS whose responsibilities are to attend the command post and manage site operations for Level 2 – Major Incidents and Level 3 – Disaster Incidents. Emergency
Management & Public Order maintains a list of qualified team members.
Incident Management Team (IMT)
the general response activities and resources to mitigate the situation of any
incident. Members respond quickly to the report of an emergency situation to gather information, assess the situation, and determine whether additional members and specialized response is required. Many emergency incidents are resolved
within a short period of time, using resources available at the divisional level.
Level 1 – Emergency Response
an emergency incident which exceeds a division’s normal operational resources and requires additional support, or multiple agency co–ordination at the site and some degree of external support. Level 2 - Major Incidents may continue for an extended period of time and require a site Command Post and/or the Major Incident Command Centre (MICC)
Level 2 – Major Incident
an incident that may affect a significant portion of the population, may continue for a long period of time and may require an extensive recovery period. Response to a disaster may require the activation of the Major Incident Command Centre (MICC), the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), political direction and support, and the official declaration of a disaster in accordance with Municipal Code 59 and the provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
Level 3 – Disaster Incident
that all movement in and out of the school and within the school is restricted as the danger is inside the school or is on school property and poses an immediate threat to the students or staff.
the facility specifically established to coordinate the Service’s operational
response to a major event or emergency. Emergency Management and Public Order (EM&PO) – Public Safety is tasked by Public Safety Operations with the care, maintenance and oversight of the MICC during operational periods. The MICC is located at Toronto Police Headquarters, 40 College Street, 12th Floor. However, it may be temporarily located offsite
pending the unique circumstances of the major event or emergency.
Major Incident Command Centre (MICC)
a member of Corporate Communications who has been authorized by the Unit Commander – Corporate
Communications to release information to the media.
the Chief of Police, Command Officers, Staff Superintendents and Directors, and any other member as determined by the Chief of Police.
Senior Management Team (SMT)
that people enter and remain in a building with the doors and windows closed due to an external environmental threat. Fans, including heating and air conditioning units, should be turned off to prevent air from outside
entering the building. Normal operations may continue within the building.
Shelter in Place
a determined off–site location where responding personnel and appropriate equipment initially report to
await details before entering the emergency site itself.
a determined off–site location where responding personnel and appropriate equipment initially report to
await details before entering the emergency site itself.
a committee comprised of the Mayor and key
representatives from local boards, city agencies, and other agencies and organizations, responsible for the overall management of Level 3 – Disaster Incidents. During these emergencies, this group is collectively responsible for the direction and co–ordination of emergency response operations within the City.
Toronto Emergency Management Program Committee (TEMPC)
a team of people representing involved agencies with responsibility for the incident, which jointly
provide management direction to an incident through a common set of incident objectives and strategies established at the
command level. [Source: U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)].
Unified Command
the police officer who has taken charge of the incident and who is in charge at the Command Post and, in conjunction with other emergency services commanders, is responsible for coordinating and managing police response at an incident.
Incident Commander
the model of police on–site response to emergencies and disasters based
on the Incident Command System, adopted by the Province of Ontario. The IMS provides the functional infrastructure necessary for the appropriate and efficient use of police resources.
Incident Management System (IMS)
an emergency incident which exceeds a division’s normal operational resources and requires additional support, or multiple agency co–ordination at the site and some degree of external support. Level 2 – Major Incidents may continue for an extended period of time and require a site Command Post and/or the Major Incident Command Centre (MICC).
Level 2 – Major Incident
any police officer who has completed the appropriate training as approved by the
Chief of Police to maintain the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their work.
Police Explosive Technician
the entire area of the incident, including both the inner and outer perimeters
criminal use of violence, intimidation or coercion, or the threat of such violence to influence the behaviour of others by a terrorist activity.
urgent, pressing and/or emergency circumstances. In reference to an emergency or hazardous incident, exigent circumstances may include a bomb threat, a person possessing or using a weapon, or a fire
on school property.
Exigent Circumstances
that if there is an immediate threat to life in a school, officers shall enter the school to stop the threat in accordance with training.
Immediate Rapid Response
a location where parents can initially report to and await details. Usually positioned off-site from the immediate emergency or threat. Ideally separate and exclusive from the emergency responders, equipment and media.
Parent Staging Area
that people enter and remain in a building with the doors and windows closed due to an external environmental threat. Fans, including heating and air conditioning units, should be turned off to prevent air from outside
entering the building. Normal operations may continue within the building
Shelter in Place
that all movement in and out of the school is restricted and external doors locked, however, movement within the school is not restricted as the external danger near the school poses no immediate threat to the
students or staff unless they leave the building.
Hold and Secure
that all movement in and out of the school and within the school is restricted as the danger is inside the
school or is on school property and poses an immediate threat to the students or staff.