Uniform Equipment and Appearance Standards Flashcards
ï‚· not use or wear their issued uniform or equipment while off-duty without obtaining prior approval from the __________ , except when commuting to and from work
Chief of Police
the Kesh (uncut hair) to be covered by a police issued ________
Dastar (turban), - Sikh
All members shall have all the articles of Service issued clothing and equipment required for uniform duties at the ready, regardless of the ________ to which they are assigned
current function
Members shall not purchase, acquire, wear or use any item of clothing or equipment that has not been approved by the joint management/association Clothing and Equipment Committee and authorized by __________
the Chief of Police
The order of dress for uniform members include
Uniform of the Day
With the permission of the ________, specialized units, including but not limited to *Specialized Emergency Response – Emergency Task Force (ETF), Specialized Emergency Response – Marine, Specialized Emergency Response – Police Dog Services, Emergency Management & Public Order, the Chief’s Ceremonial Unit, and Traffic Services, may deviate from the prescribed uniform due to the function being performed. Specialized Operations Command will maintain a current listing of approved items of clothing and equipment for each specialized unit.
Chief of Police
Members who have been assaulted or obstructed while in uniform, in the execution of their duties, shall appear in court respecting such charge in the ___________.
uniform of the day
The summer dress options will be in effect during the period of _____ to ________
April 01 to October 31.
Although long–sleeved or short–sleeved shirts may be worn, the best method of preventing acute exposure to UV radiation is by _________
limiting exposure
at all times wear their approved head dress in the prescribed method except when in a Service building, when driving or riding in a Service vehicle or in circumstance when courtesy dictates
at all times Sikh members wear their approved head dress in the prescribed method except when in a Service building may wear their ____ (turban) without the band or badge
Members may, when necessary, wear sunglasses provided they are of a conservative design and colour. _________ lenses shall not be worn while in uniform
When assigned to a non–uniform function, officers may request to deviate from the prescribed standards of appearance by completing a TPS 779 approved by their _________
Unit Commander
Aboriginal members may deviate from the prescribed standards of appearance and wear their _______ as part of their spiritual practice. _____ shall be kept in a neat manner.
hair braided Braids
When on a leave of absence for a period longer than ____ days shall, unless otherwise directed by the Chief of Police, return to their Unit Commander all of their Service issued use of force equipment.
90 consecutive
In the event that a member knows in advance that they will be taking an extended medical leave for a period longer than ___________ , the member shall advise their Unit Commander and return their use of force equipment directly to the Toronto Police College – Armament Section
90 consecutive days
Members of the Muslim faith may wear an issued ____ as part of their uniform. The ____ shall be worn in accordance with Appendix F
Members of the Hindu faith may wear a _______ in accordance with their religious beliefs.
nose stud