Uni 1: History of Microbioloy and its Uses Flashcards
he observed a thin slice of cork using
improved version of compound
microscope reported to the world that
life’s smallest unit were “little boxes” or
Robert hooke
all living things are composed of cells
cell theory
First person to observe and describe
microorganisms accurately was an Dutch
merchant and amateur microscopist;
Wrote a series of letters to the Royal Society of London: describing “animalcules” using his
simple, single-lens microscope.
Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
hypothesis that** living organisms arise from a nonliving matter**; a “vital force’’ forms life
Aristotle’s doctrine of spontaneous generation
hypothesis that the living organisms arise form preexisting life
he demonstrated thta maggots did not arise spontaneously from decaying meat.
Francesco Redi
found that even after heated the
nutrient fluids (chicken or corn broth) before pouring them into covered flasks, the cooled solutions were soon teeming with microorganisms;
loosely sealed flaslk with microbial growth
John Needham
– showed that nutrient fluids heated after being sealed in a flask did not develop microbial growth. - There was not enough oxygen to support microbial life;
no microbiual growth in tightly sealed flask
Lazzaro Spallanzani
introduced the concept of biogenesis
Rudolf Virchow
1st showed that microorganisms could cause disease (silkwormdisease was due to fungal infection).
Agostino Bassi
proved that the great potato blight of Ireland was caused by fungus.
MJ Berkeley
Father of Microbiology
Louis Pasteur
All life even microbes arose only
from their like and not de novo.
Germ Theory Disease
microorganism could kill in beer and wine heating and then rapidly cooling
- in** 1887**, Pasteur developed a vaccine usinf a weaken strain of bac. anthracis
- 1885, vax against rabies
the term vaccine is to commemorate ____ who used such preparation for protection against smallpox
Edward Jenner
- hand disinfection and puerperal fever;
- also introduced antiseptic prophylaxis into medicine
Ignaz Semmelwis
pioneer of antiseptics
* use phenol (carbolic acidI to treat surgical wounds wich reduced infections and deaths
Joseph Lister
✓Work in anthrax proves germ theory of
✓ Procedures become Koch’s Postulates
✓ Discovered rod-shaped bacteria now known
as Bacillus anthracis. ✓ Development of pure culture technique
✓ Nobel Prize in 1905
Robert Koch
treatment of disease by using chemical substances; chemical treatment of non-infectious diseases.
chemotherapeutic agents
prepared from chemicals in the laboratory.
synthetic drugs
chemicals produced naturally by
bacteria and fungi to act against other
developed a synthetic
arsenic drug called salvarsan to treat syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
observed that mold Penicillium inhibit the growth of a bacterial culture and name the active ingredient penicillin.
Aleander Fleming
study of bacteria
study of fungi
study of protozoa ang parasitic worms
study of all of an organism’s genes
study of immunity
study of viruses
helped advance all areas of microbiology
Recombinannt DNA Technology/ Genetic Engineering
Microbosed in human welfare
- Recycling Vital Elements
- Sewage Treatment: Using Microbes to Recycle Water
- Bioremediation: Using Microbes to Clean Up
Pollutants - Insect Pest Control by Microorganisms
microorganisms on and inside our bodies, not only do us no harm, but also in some cases can actually benefit us.
normal microbiota (flora)
ability to ward off diseases