Unbridled Expression Flashcards


Not sharing all my grievances is dishonest

  1. Empathize (S): Start by acknowledging her feelings and concerns. You could say, “I understand that you feel judged when I don’t share everything, and “I’m sorry if my words hurt you. I didn’t mean to imply dishonesty. I understand that my choice of words, like ‘dishonesty with a purpose,’ may have been confusing or upsetting.”.” OR “I understand that you value honesty and openness in our communication, and I want to honor that.”
  2. Validate (E): Validate her feelings by acknowledging the fear of being judged for things she never did. You could say, “I hear you and I understand that it’s important for you to feel that you can correct any assumptions I might make.”
  3. Empathize (T): Show empathy by explaining why you believe that sharing everything can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and fights. You could say, “I want to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, which is why I think it’s important to find the right time and way to discuss things.”
  4. Truth (T): Share your truth respectfully. Explain that your intention is not to judge her but to communicate effectively and maintain a healthy relationship. You could say, “My intention is never to judge you, but rather to communicate in a way that is thoughtful and considerate of both of our feelings.”
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