Ultrasound of the Urogenital Tract Flashcards
Indications for ultrasound of the Urinary Tract?
Hematuria Dysuria Palpable mass Guided biopsy/cystocenteisis Monitor Therapy
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 3
Left kidney.
Long axis and short axis
*Looks like tomato
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 5
Right kidney lives in the renal fossa of the liver.
*Observe mild pelvic dilation.
Renal pelvis dilation..
Acute pyelonephritis
Early obstruction
Renal pelvis dilation..
Moderate or severe dilation..
Pyelonephritis or obstructive nephropathy.
Are the ureters normally seen on ultrasound?
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 7
Pyelectasia (dilation of the renal pelvis)
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 9 + 10
If both of the ureters are dilated.. the problem is in the..
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 11
Severe hydronephrosis
Dilated pelvis of the right kidney.
Renal disease can be… (3)
Focal, multifocal or diffuse.
Diffuse disease of the kidney…
Hyperechoic renal cortex due to..
Hyperechoic renal cortex due to..
Lymphoscarcoma or Ethylene Glycol toxicity (acute tubular necrosis)
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 13
Diffuse disease of the kidney…
Hyperechoic renal cortex due to..
Glomerulonephritis, Interstitial nephritis (leptospirosis) Pyelonephritis Acute tubular necrosis Toxic nephrosis (ethylene glycol, Easter lily) End stage kidney Nephrocalcinosis Nephrosclerosis Amyloidosis Leukemic infiltrate Cats: Lymphoma, FIP + Fat deposits
What are differentials for hypoechoic renal cortex?
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 15
Indistinct corticomedullary junctions..
Difficult to assess.. Pyelonephritis Chronic renal disease (end stage) May be seen normally in 5-6 year olds. *View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 16
Focal/multifocal kidney disease..
Nodules and cysts (nodules look the same as in the spleen/liver)
Neoplasia (may be hyper or hypo echoic)
Benign cortical cysts (insignificant) older patients
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 17
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 18
Renal infarcts
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 19
Polycystic kidneys
Polycystic kidneys:
Autosomal dominant inheritable condition primarily in long haired cats (especially Persians)
Appearance from single to multiple cysts to foamy cortices
May not be symptomatic.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 20
Urinary bladder on ultrasound.
*Hard feces can shadow
How to ultrasound the bladder
Evaluate the bladder including apex, body and trigone in both planes.
Moderate bladder filling is the best: need urine to interface with the wall and contents. Over distended difficult to manipulate.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 21
What can be in the lumen of the bladder?
Sand, mucus, calculi, blood clots and suspended debris.
Ultrasound of bladder calculi
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 23
With ultrasound both mineral and soft tissue calculi are visible; may or may not be distinguishable from each other.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 24
Sand in the bladder
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 25
View blood clots in the bladder, move the patient around to differentiate from a mass.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 26
Neoplasia and inflammatory polyps.
What are focal and diffuse masses in the urinary bladder?
Neoplasia and inflammatory polyps.
May see normal ureteral papillae***
Do you want to get samples of neoplasia with cystocenteiss?
Can you differentiate between neoplasia and cystitis of the bladder?
Both are equally, diffuse/focal, irregular, obstructive (non obstructive; cystitis).
Neoplasia will cause lymphadenopathy.
Normal wall thickness of the bladder?
<2 mm.
Bladder must be adequately distended.
Undistended bladder wall will appear thicker.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 28
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 29
Diffuse thickening of the bladder.
Prostate gland enlargement differentials:
BPH Cyst Prostatitis Abscess Neoplasia
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 30
Prostate gland enlarged
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 31
Prostate gland on ultrasound.
Likely to be cancer if mineralized.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 32
Uterine stump
Uterine diseases:
Endometrial hyperplasia
Normal uterus thickness
20 mm max thickness.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 34
Large fluid filled uterus, lots of echoes, fluid pus mucus
Pregnancy diagnosis on ultrasound..
Yes vs no
Number exact and at least, easier to count on radiograph.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 36
Gestational sac -20 days
Gestational sac with embryo (23-25 days)
Look for heartbeat with Doppler
Gestational sac at what day..
20 days
Gestational sac with embryo at what days:
23 to 25 days
Normal fetal circulation..
The head of the fetus is to the left of the image. Umbilical vein (UV) and umbilical artery (UA) extended cranially to the liver (L). The heart (H) is visible cranial to the diaphragm.
*View ultrasound urogenital lecture; slide 38
Mandible and skull can be seen at what day..
Ribs can be seen at what day..
Can ovaries be identified on ultrasound?
Ovaries are difficult but can be identified and evaluated caudal to the kidneys?