ultrasound Flashcards
the use of ultrasound
- destruction of tissue
- therapeutic
- diagnostic
purpose of extracorporeal school wave therapy? ESWT
- creating tissue damage, to see resolution of chronic inflammatory conditions
- plantar fasciitis
therapeutic ultrasound purpose
- stimulating the repair of soft tissue injuries
- pain relief
- heating tissues (deep heating modality)
- proudces tissue elongation
acoustics energy aka
sounds waves
decreased energy intensity as sound energy moves deeper into tissues
spreading or scattering of sound energy
consumption of sound energy into issues
two therapeutic US effects
thermal and non thermal effects
thermal effects of US purpose
-increase blood flow
- increase tissue extensibility
- improve mm relaxation
- decrease mm spasm
- improve pain
non thermal effects of US
- facilitating healing
- stimulating fibroblastic activity
- modified cellular function
US non thermal effects
- cavitation
- increased blood flow in the fluid around vibrating bubbles
- microstreaming: the unidirectional movement of fluids along the boundaries of cell membranes
- can alter cell membrane structure and function due to changes in cell permeability
ERA - effective radiating area
- most effective if applied in an areas 2x the ERA and cannot be greater than 4x
beam non uniformity ration
BRN - acoustic energy generating crystal is not perfectly uniform in shape nor does it expand and contract uniformly across its surface
deeper penetration you need to change
frequency =
waves/ sec