Ukan Recent and Remote Past Flashcards
I have drunk the wine.
Nik ardoa edan dut.
You have eaten the bread.
Zuk ogia jan duzu.
He/ she/ it has drunk the milk.
Berak esnea edan du.
We have drunk the wine.
Guk ardoa edan dugu.
You (all) have eaten the bread.
Zuek ogia jan duzue.
They have taken the glass.
Beraiek edontzia hartu dute.
I have taken the cups.
Nik kikarak hartu ditut.
You have drunk the beers.
Zuk garagardoak edan dituzu.
He/ she/ it has the cakes.
Berak pastelak ditu.
We have drunk the beers.
Guk garagardoak edan ditugu.
You (pl) have eaten the cakes.
Zuek pastelak jan dituzue.
They have taken the glasses.
Beraiek edontziak hartu dituzte.
I had drunk the wine.
Nik ardoa edan nuen.
You had eaten the bread.
Zuk ogia jan zenuen.
He/ she/ it had drunk the milk.
Berak esnea edan zuen.
We had drunk the wine.
Guk ardoa edan genuen.
You (pl) had eaten the bread.
Zuek ogia jan zenuten.
They had taken the glass.
Beraiek edontzia hartu zuten.
I had taken the cups.
Nik kikarak hartu nituen.
You had drunk the beers.
Zuk garagardoak edan zenituen.
He/ she/ it had the cakes.
Berak pastelak zituen.
We had drunk the beers.
Gu garagardoak edan genituen.
You (pl) had eaten the cakes.
Zuek pastelak jan zenituzten.
They had taken the glasses.
Beraiek edontziak hartu zituzten.