Chapter 8 Flashcards
How many days does a week have? A week has seven days.
Zenbat egun ditu asteak? Asteak zazpi egun ditu.
How many weeks does a month have? Four weeks.
Zenbat aste ditu hilabeteak? Lau aste.
A year has four seasons.
Urteak lau urtaro ditu.
Yesterday y’all came home very late, as always.
Atzo zuek oso berandu etorri zineten etxera, beti bezala.
We always arrive home late.
Gu beti berandu etortzen gara etxera.
This morning we (have )arrived home on time.
Gaur goizean garaiz etorri gara etxera.
Tomorrow we will also arrive on time.
Bihar ere garaiz etorriko gara.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week. We, as always, work.
Osteguna astearen laugarren eguna da. Beti bezala lan egiten dugu.
Tomorrow we will also work. It will be Friday, the fifth day.
Bihar ere lan egingo dugu. Ostirala izango da, bosgarren eguna.
We won’t work the day after tomorrow. It will be the weekend and we will be free.
Etzi ez dugu egingo lan. Asteburua izango da eta gu libre egongo gara.
A working day is not a special day.
Laneguna ez da egun berezia.
Sunday is a special day; we are free.
Igandea egun berezia da; libre egoten gara.
Today is the first day of the month, but tomorrow will be the last day of the year.
Gaur hilaren lehen eguna da, baina bihar urtearen azken eguna izango da.
The day after tomorrow, then, will be the first day of the year.
Etzi, ordea, urtearen lehen eguna izango da.
The first of the year is usually a holiday.
Urtearen lehena jaieguna izaten da.