Chapter 5 Flashcards
I am hungry. I want to eat a piece of cake.
Ni gose naiz. Nik pastel zati bat jan nahi dut.
Miren was thirsty. Miren wanted to drink water.
Miren egarri zen. Mirenek ura edan nahi zuen.
Have you (pl) had (lit. taken) any coffee?
Zuek kaferik hartu duzue?
No, we haven’t had (lit. taken) any coffee.
Ez, guk ez dugu kaferik hartu.
Did you see the cup?
Zuk kikara ikusi al zenuen?
Yes, I saw the cup.
Bai, nik kikara ikusi nuen.
No, I didn’t see the cup; I didn’t see any cups.
Ez, nik ez nuen kikara ikusi; nik ez nuen kikararik ikusi.
What is that thing? This is a cup of coffee.
Zer da gauza hori? Hau kikarakada bat kafe da.
And what is that other thing?
Eta zer da beste gauza hori?
I haven’t seen anything.
Ez dut ezer ikusi.
I want to eat a few cakes and drink milk.
Pastel batzuk jan nahi ditut eta esnea edan.
They had had (lit. taken) the cakes.
Beraiek pastelak hartu zituzten.
We want to take a (one) book.
Guk liburu bat hartu nahi dugu.
He had drunk a lot of wine.
Berak ardo asko edan zuen.
I had taken some glasses and bowls.
Nik edontzi edo katilu batzuk hartu nituen
You (pl) have seen the boys.
Zuek mutilak ikusi dituzue.
Have you drunk the water?
Zuk ura edan al duzu?