Chapter 7 Flashcards
How much money does he need? He needs twenty euros.
Berak zenbat diru behar du? Ogei euro behar ditu.
He needs much money; he is not a rich man.
Berak diru asko behar du; ez da gizon aberatsa.
The flowers are not expensive; we have bought beautiful roses.
Loreak ez dira garestiak; guk arrosa ederrak erosi ditugu.
Have you seen Miren? She is selling flowers. There is her store.
Ikusi al duzu Miren? Berak loreak saltzen ditu. Han bere loradenda dago.
That plant is not cheap.
Landare hori ez da merkea.
We have not bought any plants; those flowers are cheaper.
Guk ez dugu erosi landarerik ; lore haiek merkeagoak dira.
How many euros do you have in your pocket?
Zenbat euro dauzkazu sakelan?
I have ten euros; I have a ten euro note in my pocket.
Nik hamar euro dauzkat; hamar euroko bilete bat daukat sakelan.
What do they sell? They sell flowers.
Zer saltzen dute? Beraiek loreak saltzen dituzte.
Is this money enough to buy the flowers? Yes, that money is enough.
Diru hau nahikoa da loreak erosteko? Bai, diru hori nahikoa da.
There you are, two banknotes and a few coins!
Tori, bilete bi eta txanpon batzuk!
We want to buy those roses; they are beautiful and very fresh. They are not ugly.
Guk arrosa horiek erosi nahi ditugu; ederrak eta oso freskoak dira. Ez dira itsusiak.
The salesperson used to sell fresh flowers; her roses were very nice.
Saltzaileak lore freskoak saltzen zituen; bere arrosak oso ederrak ziren.
I must look for the money in my pocket; I have not found any banknotes or coins.
Dirua nire sakelan bilatu behar dut; ez dut bileterik edo txanponik aurkitu.
Do you have any money in your pocket?
Baduzu dirurik sakelan?
Do you have any plates in the kitchen?
Baduzu platerak sukaldean?
I need little money; I am not a poor man.
Diru gutxi behar dut; ni ez naiz gizon behartsua.
Flowers and plants are cheap here; we want to buy seventeen roses.
Hemengo loreak eta landareak merkeak dira; guk hamazazpi arrosa erosi nahi ditugu.
Do you see Johanna over there? She is the salesperson!
Ikusi al duzu Jone han? Bera saltzailea da!
They used to sell books and notebooks.
Beraiek liburuak eta koadernoak saltzen zituzten.
That wine of yours is not cheap, but very expensive; it costs twelve euros.
Zure ardo hori ez da merkea, oso garestia baizik; hamabi euro balio du.
We used to buy nothing.
Guk ez genuen ezer erosten.
Do you have any five euro notes in your pocket?
Zuk bost euroko bileterik al daukazu sakelan?
Yes, there you are! But I only have one five euro note.
Bai, tori! Baina nik bost euroko bilete bat bakarrik daukat.
Does she indeed sell books?
Benetan berak liburuak saltzen ditu?
One ten euro note is enough to buy this bottle of wine.
Hamar euroko bilete bat nahikoa da botila ardo hau erosteko.
It is not enough to buy that beautiful book over there.
Ez da nahikoa liburu eder hura erosteko.
Look! Here is a twenty euro note and also some coins.
Begira! Hona hemen ogei euroko bilete bat eta txanpon batzuk ere bai.
I want to buy these small notebooks.
Koaderno txiki hauek erosi nahi ditut.
He used to buy big houses.
Berak etxe handiak erosten zituen.
I am, however, looking for a nice, small house.
Nik, ordea, etxe txiki polit bat bilatzen dut.