Aditz trinkoak nor Flashcards
I’m going home
Ni etxera noa
You’re going to Paris
Zu Parisera zoaz
He’s going to the town
Hura/ Bera herrira doa
Y’all are going to the mountain
Zuek mendira zoazte
We’re going to the restaurant
Gu jatetxera goaz
They’re going to Iran
Haiek/ Beraiek Iranera doaz
I’m coming from the town
Ni herritik nator
You’re coming from the north
Zu iparraldetik zatoz
Where is he coming from?
Hura/ bera nondik dator?
Y’all are coming from the highway
Zuek autobidetik zatozte
We’re coming from the house
Gu etxetik gatoz
They’re coming from the mountains
Haiek/ Beraiek mendietatik datoz.
I’m on the farm.
Baserrian nabil.
How are you going?
Nola zabiltza?
He’s bad off (lit. going around badly).
Hura/ Bera gaizki dabil.
Y’all are going around in the street.
Zuek kalean zabiltzate.
We’re going about.
Gu gabiltza.
They’re going about.
Haiek/ Beraiek dabiltza.